Benefit game species and other wildlife by helping to support habitat improvements on private lands and lands enrolled in the Walk-In Hunting Access (WIHA) program.

Some of the most serious threats to wildlife include habitat destruction, degradation, or conversion, and can reduce huntable populations of wildlife. The Habitat & Hunting Conservation Fund seeks to help conserve habitat or mitigate habitat loss by working directly with private landowners to improve habitat for game species on their farm or ranch. While this fund is focused on conserving habitat for huntable species, much of the work will benefit other wildlife species as well.

Make an unrestricted donation to the Habitat and Hunting Conservation Fund to be used for any program or project in the Fund that the department views as a priority. You also may dedicate your gift to be spread across a selection of two or more programs or projects of your choice.

Wildlife Habitat Conservation

98% of Kansas land is under private ownership.  To make a meaningful and lasting impact on wildlife populations we must focus on improving these landscapes.  Voluntary conservation by private landowners on working lands is the most proven and successful way to improving habitat for wildlife in the Midwest and beyond.

  • Habitat Specialists on Walk-In Hunting Areas
  • Habitat First or Hunting Forever Programs

How Your Donation May Be Used

Assistance will be used to promote, implement, and strengthen wildlife habitat projects occurring across the state on private lands to improve wildlife populations.  Donations to the Habitat Specialists on Walk-In Hunting Areas will be used to support and expand direct habitat work being implemented on WIHA lands.  Donations to Habitat First, Hunting Forever will be used to strengthen our existing Habitat First program by providing incentives to landowners for implementing wildlife-friendly practices.  Currently, Habitat First treats over 50,000 acres each year. 


To donate to the Habitat & Hunting Conservation Fund, send your check or money order to:

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
512 SE 25th Ave.,
Pratt, KS 67124-8174

For More Information call or email:
