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FAQ About Using Bait Fish (Article) 11%
bait and then transport it to wherever I want? Yes. Rules are in place to ensure that bait sold from Kansas commercial bait dealers has been inspected for disease and ANS. If you fish at an ANS .... Continue to FAQ About Using B... >>
Area News (Article) 11%
on public lands at El Dorado Lake. An existing archery range, also within El Dorado State Park, is the designated area for archery target practice. Both facilities provide quality shooting .... Continue to Area News >>
Hillsdale Reservoir Fishing Report (Report) 11%
infestation has been confirmed at Hillsdale Reservoir. As of 6/17/16 the lake has been designated an Aquatic Nuisance Species water. Fish may not be transported alive from ANS designated waters.   .... Continue to Hillsdale Reservo... >>
Paola City Lake - Lake Miola Fishing Report (Report) 11%
not be transported alive from ANS designated waters. To help prevent the spread of invasive species, please CLEAN, DRAIN & DRY all equipment when changing water bodies and dump your bait. Water temperatures .... Continue to Paola City Lake -... >>
Cedar Bluff Reservoir Fishing Report (Report) 11%
mussel population has been documented at this water making Cedar Bluff an ANS designated water. With this designation, regulations are in effect primarily aimed at discouraging water containing .... Continue to Cedar Bluff Reser... >>
Lake News (Article) 11%
bodies. On Jan. 1, 2012, new regulations designed to prevent further spread of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) require anglers to use wild-caught baitfish only in the lakes or streams where they were caught .... Continue to Lake News >>
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