Providing instruction concerning the ethical, safe and selective hunting, trapping and handling of furbearing animals and coyotes.
Persons born on or after July 1, 1966 must complete the course before harvesting furbearers in the state on lands other than their own.
The Kansas Furharvester Education course is offered in two formats: traditional instructor-led or online.
The instructor led course offers students a comprehensive manual, regulations, and advanced furharvesting publications. Note: A limited number of instructor led courses are offered throughout the year.
The no-cost online course replaces the formerly offered correspondence course. Students are required to work through a series of lessons teaching ethical and responsible furharvesting techniques, trap selection and maintenance and proper handling of harvested furbearers. Lessons discussing running hounds, hunting predators with and without hounds, field trials, night hunts and predator calling are also presented.
Quiz questions are presented throughout the course. Students must complete each lesson in sequence before being permitted to move to the next lesson or the final exam. Achieving a final exam score of 84% or better will result in receipt of the official furharvester education certificate of competency required by Kansas law and accepted by other states. You may take the final exam as often as needed to pass.
Click here to begin the Kansas Furharvester Education online course by creating your unique username and password which permit you to leave the course, come back to it at any time and pick up right where you left off.