For information on becoming a Kansas Falconer, or to obtain an application packet, please contact Sarah Navarro at or 620-672-5911.

Complete text of all Kansas Falconry regulations can be found at the Kansas Secretary of State website below, under Article 14.

The trapping season for passage peregrine falcons is SEPT 20 - OCT 20, 2024.

The Kansas allocation for passage peregrine falcon take is 5 for 2024. Trapping activities are only permitted east of the 100th meridian in Kansas.

The season will be open until 5 peregrines have been captured or the season ends. Falconers must notify the Department via email before any capture is attempted. Falconers capturing a peregrine must immediately email the Department. After the quota has been reached, the season is closed. A notice of closure will be posted at the top of this page and an email sent to all falconers who have notified the Department of their intent to attempt capture.

There is potential for capturing a peregrine in excess of the quota on the day the quota is met. Falconers capturing a peregrine after the quota has been met must immediately release the bird upon notification by the Department. Determination of which capture is in excess of the quota will be based on the date and time of the emailed notification of capture. 

Each falconer shall apply for and receive a permit from the Department before attempting to take a peregrine from the wild in Kansas. Due to the difference in trapping season dates, this permit could be in addition to a general falconry take permit if one has already been issued. Falconers must make sure their falconry permit allows for the take of passage peregrine falcons (general falconer or master falconer).

If not indicated on trapping application, you must email Jake George at and Sarah Navarro at for notification of intent to attempt capture or to report a capture

Fish and Wildlife Service Requirements:

Falconers taking a passage peregrine are required to report their capture to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by completing a 3-186a form ( 

Non-Resident falconers are required to provide a copy of their current falconry permit in addition to the above trapping application. Non-resident Falconers: Please email completed application and copy of current falconry license to