Education, Exhibition, Collection, and Salvage Permits

Box Turtle

Any person wishing to collect any wildlife, protected by law or rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Parks, for scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes must obtain a Scientific, Educational, or Exhibition Permit unless wildlife is otherwise allowed to be collected or harvested under the provisions of a valid hunting, furharvester, or fishing license or other special permit or license.

Why do I need a Kansas Collection Permit?
  • To conduct scientific research that requires the collection or handling of any wildlife in the state of Kansas.
  • Educational programs that involve handling or collecting wildlife.
  • To perform Environmental Assessments to aid in the determination of potential impacts to wildlife populations and their habitats.
  • Exhibition or display of legally obtained non-game wildlife not falling under the regulations of a hunting or fishing license.

Threatened and Endangered Species

The collection of any species designated threatened, endangered or SINC (species in need of conservation) under the Kansas non-game Act of 1975 is prohibited unless previously approved by KDWP.  Likewise, additional permits are required if individuals wish to collect federally threatened or endangered species and must be obtained from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

Collecting Birds

PLEASE NOTE:  Most birds fall under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and will require some type of federal permit to collect whole specimens, feathers, other body parts, abandoned nests, and eggs.  Information regarding on how to obtain such a permit may be reviewed at the following website:,%22Take%22%5D


What do KDWP Hunting and Fishing Licenses allow me to collect?

In some cases, a valid Kansas hunting and fishing license may be sufficient for individuals wishing to collect wildlife species in Kansas.  It is important for individuals to become familiar with all state hunting and fishing regulations before collecting any species of wildlife.

Kansas residents do not need a hunting license or collection permit to take moles or gophers.  Unless exempt, a hunting license is required to take ground squirrels, woodchucks, kangaroo rats, wood rats, armadillos, porcupines, feral pigeons, starlings, house sparrows, rodents, and certain amphibians and reptiles.  Season is open year-round.  There is no possession limit except on amphibians and reptiles – five of any one species.  The take of bullfrogs, common snapping turtles, and soft-shell turtles requires a fishing license and is covered under fishing regulations.  Under fishing regulations, common snapping turtles and soft-shelled turtles may be taken year-round.  Daily creel limit is eight, single species or in combination.  Possession limit is 24.  Bullfrog season is July 1 through October 31.  Daily creel limit is eight.  Possession limit is 24 bullfrogs.  Please refer to the appropriate regulations for additional information regarding what is covered under a Kansas hunting or fishing license.

Special Provisions for Handling Bats in Kansas

Follow the most recent USFWS Decontamination protocols. Protocols can be found at

  • This includes decontamination of clothes or equipment taken into bat habitats or items that come into contact with bats.
  • Please do not bring any equipment or clothes that have been used in other WNS infected regions.

Protocols and procedures are subject to change at any time as new information regarding WNS is published. Permit holders need to be prepared to incorporate these changes into their research protocols.

Prior to conducting research on bats, contact KDWP Ecological Service’s Section staff to discuss decontamination protocols, proper handling of bats, and appropriate equipment usage.

Disposable gloves should be worn when handling bats. Keep the handling and processing of bats down to a minimum.

When possible, bat wings and tail membranes should be examined for damage associated with WNS during the Spring and early Summer. When examining bat wings and tail membranes, please use the Wing Damage Index by Reichard.

  • Photographs of damaged wings should be documented.

Any bats showing any indication of WNS should be submitted to KDWP.

  • KDWP will submit bat to the National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) for testing.

New or decontaminated mist nets need to be used each night. For decontamination, boil nets for at least 20 minutes and then dry completely prior to next use.

Any tagging of bats should be recorded in the KDWP yearly collection report, including species identification, type of tag (band, PIT tag, etc.), associated tag number, and methodology used.

Collection activities in association with Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

Since many individuals and/or institutions collect statewide, there is a high probability that these collection activities will occur in areas of known occurrences of AIS. In an effort to prevent the inadvertent transport of these organisms to other areas, it is therefore necessary to take steps in preventing their further spread.

Individuals receiving a collection permit should take a few moments to familiarize themselves with the various types of AIS they may encounter and implement a few very simple measures in the decontamination and reporting of such incidents. The following is a link providing such information.

Aquatic Invasive Species Information

Mark Van Scoyoc, Stream Survey Coordinator, Scientific Collection permits
KDWP Operations Office, Pratt, KS
(620) 672-5911

The regulations regarding the Scientific, Educational, or Exhibition Permit including applications, reporting, and general provisions. Additional rules may exist in statute. Applicable Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks statutes can be found at the Information Network of Kansas' homepage: . KDWP statutes are primarily listed in Chapter 32.

To apply for a Collecting Permit to collect species for scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes, go to:

You will need to login or create a new user profile.  Once logged into your profile, select the “Customer Applications” option.

On the next page, scroll down until you see the “Scientific Collection, Education, and Exhibition Permit Application” license heading.

Select the blue button “Add to Cart” over to the right of the description, then go to your shopping cart to check out.

This will take you to the collection permit application where the applicant will give detailed information regarding their collection purposes and specimens they intend to collect. 

Once your application is complete, you will be prompted to enter payment information, then complete your transaction.   

Permits will not be immediately received.  Applications are subject to a review and approval process prior to receiving your permit.  Please ensure the applicant contact information listed on the permit application is correct so that we can contact the applicant if we have questions or need to request changes to the permit application.

Year-end reporting of all species collected under said permit is required. You can go to the Report Form link by clicking here.

Downloadable form for reporting the species collected using a Collecting Permit. Reports may be submitted electronically.

Information regarding threatened and endangered species and species in need of conservation including state lists, county lists, and specific species information such as habitat requirements and areas of designated critical habitats.

All new documented occurrences of threatened and endangered species, species in need of conservation, or extremely rare species observed in a new location in Kansas can be recorded using the following form. This information should then be submitted to the endangered species coordinator at the address provided on the form.

Activities that do not require a Scientific, Educational, or Exhibition Permit might require other permits. For the applicability of other potential permit requirements follow the links below.

Additional rules may exist in statute. Applicable Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks statutes can be found at the Information Network of Kansas' homepage: KDWP statutes are primarily listed in Chapter 32.

For a Freedom of Information Act or Kansas Open Records Act request, please go to the open records request information.

Mark Van Scoyoc, Stream Monitoring Program Coordinator

Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
Environmental Services Section
512 SE 25th Avenue
Pratt, KS67124
620-672-2972 (fax)