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Kansas Outdoor AmeriCorps Action Team

AmeriCorps is a national service program which allows team members to gain service experience and knowledge through hands-on participation in a variety of projects. AmeriCorps members contribute to critical community needs by providing assistance to millions of Americans.
The Kansas Outdoor AmeriCorps Action Team serves the State of Kansas by performing environmental service projects in state parks and their local communities. Our program focus is in three areas where team members will serve on a variety of service projects related to the environment, environmental education, and assisting other agencies with emergency disaster efforts.
Members can serve in four different capacities: Full-Time, Part-Time, Quarter-Time and Minimum-Time. While serving members receive a bi-weekly living stipend and upon completion of their service hours, they are awarded a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. This education award can be used for payment of qualified student loans or for paying for current education expenses at a qualified (Title IV) school.
AmeriCorps in Action - Written by Cherie Riffey, KDWP AmeriCorps Director
For more information on AmeriCorps visit
Program Coordinator: Riston Landwehr - - (620) 672 5911