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Steve Mathes Nature Trail
  • Trail Season: All-Year
  • Length of Trail: 1.5 mile(s)
  • Trail Activities: Walking
  • There is a permit required on the trail
  • Location of Start: N39 48.504 W99 57.690
  • Click for more information

    1.5 mile trail that gives you a great view of the lake and the prairie dogs can be seen at the trail head. There is a vault toilet located at the trail head at the south end of the trail in Meadowlark campground. The first 1000 feet of the nature trail starting at the Prairie Dog trail head is concrete.

    Nature Trail

    Another view from the Nature Trail at Prairie Dog State Park

    Nature Trail

    A view of the reservoir is one of the many things you can see from the Prairie Dog Nature Trail

    Nature Trail

    Another view from the Prairie Dog Nature Trail

PRATT – It’s fishing and boating season, and the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) reminds boaters and anglers that they play a critical role in preventing the spread of aquatic invaders that threaten Kansas waters. Anyone who boats or fishes in Kansas can learn more about Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) at ProtectKSWaters ... Read More

Cool water brings fish up from deep Kansas lakesAs early fall water temperatures dropped into the upper 60s, sportfish such as white bass, crappie, and walleye moved from cool, deep water and became more active. In shallow water, they take advantage of abundant prey and prepare for the coming winter, and they are easier to find and catch.Throug ... Read More

More hunters die from drowning and the effects of hypothermia than from gunshot wounds. Most of the accident reports from waterborne hunting fatalities are not dramatic stories. The hunter didn't succumb in an "Outdoor Life and Death" struggle with a twenty-foot python or enrage a hippopotamus that attacked his boat. Rather, the acci ... Read More