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KAR 115-4-11 Economic Impact Summary (PDF - 8.89 kB)

While ensuring compliance with the law, it is anticipated that the proposed change will generate an additional $126,000 annually, all of which would accrue to the wildlife fee fund.  Otherwise, the proposed amendments to the regulation are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.

KAR 115-2-2. Motor vehicle permit fees. . (PDF - 9.36 kB)

This permanent regulation establishes daily and annual permit prices for vehicles entering and using state parks and other areas requiring a motor vehicle permit.  The proposed amendments would set a permit price for unconventional motor vehicle permits.

KAR 115-2-3. Camping, utility, and other fees (PDF - 13.88 kB)

This permanent regulation establishes the overnight and annual camping permit prices, fees for utility connections, and related fees within state parks.  This is a user fee regulation and the proposed amendments would increase fees for a single park location, El Dorado, for long term camping.

KAR 115-2-6. Other fees (PDF - 21.20 kB)

This permanent regulation establishes fees for certain permits and other issues, including the annual lease fee for private cabins on state park controlled lands.  The proposed amendments increases fees on most of the 230 private cabin and trailer sites within state park controlled lands.

KAR 115-2-1. Economic Impact Summary (PDF - 141.74 kB)

The proposal would reduce fees in the amount of approximately $126,000 annually to the wildlife fee fund based on previous duplicate issuances.  No other substantial economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public is anticipated.

KAR 115-2-3. Economic Impact Summary (PDF - 141.68 kB)

The proposal would reduce fees in the amount of approximately $1500 annually to the park fee fund based on previous duplicate issuances.  No other substantial economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public is anticipated.

KAR 115-2-4. Economic Impact Summary (PDF - 141.76 kB)

The proposal would reduce fees in the amount of approximately $13,500 annually to the boating fee fund based on previous duplicate issuances.  No other substantial economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public is anticipated.

K.A.R. 115-2-1 Economic Impact Summary: (PDF - 12.54 kB)

The proposed amendments for new services and issuances would generate approximately $339,000 annually, all of which would accrue to the wildlife fee fund. The proposed amendments for lifetime license issuances would generate approximately $371,000 annually, all of which would accrue to the wildlife conservation fund. The proposed amendment for nonresident deer permits would generate approximately $1,200,000, all of which would accrue to the wildlife fee fund. Otherwise, the proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any further appreciable economic impact on the department, other agencies, or the public.

4/18/15 - 4/19/15: Friends of Fancy Creek Range
(Tuttle Creek State Park,, Fancy Creek Range)