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FLUTEDSHELL MUSSEL Lasmigona costata
State: Threatened   Federal: N/A
MUCKET MUSSEL Actinonaias ligamentina
State: Endangered   Federal: N/A
Aquatic nuisance species signs geared toward raising public awareness PRATT -- It's the boating season, and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) wants all boaters to have fun. However, staff want to ensure that boaters protect the resource they enjoy from dangerous aliens -- commonly called aquatic nuisance species (ANS). KDWP ... Read More

Aquatic nuisance species signs geared toward raising public awareness It's the boating season, and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) wants all boaters to have fun. However, staff want to ensure that boaters protect the resource they enjoy from dangerous aliens -- commonly called aquatic nuisance species (ANS). KDWP staff are in ... Read More

Fawnsfoot Mussel Truncilla donaciformis
State: SINC   Federal: N/A
Deertoe Mussel Truncilla truncata
State: SINC   Federal: N/A
Spike Mussel Elliptio dilatata
State: SINC   Federal: N/A
Snuffbox Mussel Epioblasma triquetra
State: SINC   Federal: N/A
Wartyback Mussel Quadrula nodulata
State: SINC   Federal: N/A
Washboard Mussel Megalonaias nervosa
State: SINC   Federal: N/A