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WHOOPING CRANE Grus americana
State: Endangered   Federal: Endangered

Email Meade State Park

This form allows you to email Lake Meade State Park with any questions you might have about the State Park and its facilities. This includes season openings and closings, campsite reservations, special events, etc.

K.A.R. 115-25-8. (PDF - 15.41 kB)

This exempt regulation sets the elk season, bag limits and permits available. Changes from the previous season include a slight increase in the number of any-elk permits available. PASSED AS PRESENTED, VOTE 6-0.

KAR 115-7-4 Fish; processing and possession (PDF - 38.44 kB)

This permanent regulation pertains to fish processing and possession. The proposed amendments would require that any person who takes fish from a body of water must leave the head, body and tail fin attached to the fish while on the water.

KAR 115-17-2 Economic Impact Summary (PDF - 8.87 kB)

The proposed amendments may have an economic impact on commercial bait dealers. Otherwise, the proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.