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3/12/22 - Pie Day 5k Trail Run and Hike
Trail Run and Trail Hike
(Historic Lake Scott State Park)

WHOOPING CRANE Grus americana
State: Endangered   Federal: Endangered

10/11/14 - Clinton Wildlife Area Quail Habitat Tour
Habitat Tour
(Clinton Wildlife Area)

9/6/15 - Ninnescah Sailing Association Labor Day Fireworks
Community Event - Fireworks
(Cheney State Park (Ninnescah Sailing Association))

11/19/22 - Lagerhead Marathon (KC Running Co.)
Running Marathon
(Prairie Spirit Trail)

PRATT – The weather is good, the fish are cooperating, and you’re reeling in fish as fast as you can. Before you know it, a hook gets snagged and you have to break the line. There’s no trashcan nearby and you’re on a roll. You leave the line on the ground with the intention of throwing it away later ­– we’ve all been there. But the reality is, ... Read More

PRATT ­– They’re creepy-crawly, blood-sucking arachnids; nobody likes ticks. Unfortunately, they are a fact of outdoor life in Kansas. But you don’t have to stay indoors to protect yourself. There are some precautions you can take to ensure ticks dislike you as much as you dislike them.Tick numbers usually peak in early June, but depending on s ... Read More

Post Oak Self-Guiding Nature Trail
  • Trail Season: Year-around
  • Length of Trail: 1 mile(s)
  • Trail Activities: Walking, Canoe/Kayaking
  • There is camping located near the trail
  • Location of Start: N37 16.609 W095 46.704
  • Click for more information

    This 2/3-mile trail located on the top of table mound is a relatively easy hike. The trailhead is located at the scenic overlook near the dam. The old-growth forest setting that this trail winds through is indicative of the Cross Timbers region. A wide variety of tree species can be found here with many specimens being well over 200 years in age. A self-guiding brochure has been developed to coincide with this trail to be used as an interpretive aide for the user. This trail has been designated as a National Recreation Trail under the U.S Department of the Interior?s National Trail System.

Coyote Trail #2
  • Trail Season: Year Round
  • Trail Activities: Walking
  • Click for more information

    Soapweed Yucca (Yucca glauca)


    This plant is found all throughout the Midwest, up to Montana down through Texas. Many animals rely on Yucca for food and shelter, and even nesting sites for birds. One common animal you might see near one is a black-tailed jack rabbit. Native Americans had many uses for the Yucca. Flowers/fruits were for medicinal purposes and dye while stalks were used for baskets, ropes and brushes. The Yucca gets its name because it was used for soap as well. Root systems can reach up to 25ft into the ground.