Nationally-recognized event draws birders from throughout U.S.

On April 27-29, the 2007 Wings-N-Wetlands Bird Festival will be held at Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area, near Great Bend. The three-day event -- which complements a similar event near Wakefield every other year -- will feature seminars on birds and birdwatching and guided field trips. Educational presentations for wildlife viewers, meals, and evening activities are also planned. Tours of both Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, complete with experienced guides, are scheduled for all three days.

Participants come from across the U.S. to enjoy this bi-annual weekend of birding, wildlife watching, and educational fun. No matter how experienced the bird watchers are, all discover something special while birding at Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge. Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira are two of the most important migration points for shorebirds in North America. Hundreds of thousands of waterfowl stop for food, cover, and a place to rest during migration.

The event begins on Friday afternoon, April 27, with registration and a birding tour in the late afternoon. On Saturday, April 28, birding tours will take place in the early morning and late afternoon. Educational workshops will be held on Friday and Saturday in between tours. On Sunday, there will be birding tours in the morning. The event ends at noon on Sunday.

To prepare for the weekend event, participants should bring binoculars. Some may want to include a spotting scope, camera, and bird ID book.

As of April 4, participants from 16 states had registered, with more expected. The registration fee is $85 per person and includes some meals, the guided birding tours, and education workshops. Reservations are required. For more information phone the Great Bend Convention and Visitors Bureau at 620-792-2750 or email information@visitgreatbend.com.
