Tournament fosters young shooters; Sept. 15 entry deadline

On Saturday, Sept. 20, the Kinsley Gun Club will host its Annual Kids Klassic trap shooting tournament for high school and junior high students. Each youngster will fire at 100 targets. A $20 entry fee will include a custom T-shirt, dinner, and a chance to win a door prize, including a new Beretta shotgun, a Beikal single-shot shotgun, or one of two Remington .22 rifles -- all provided by area businesses and the shooting fraternity. The entry fee does not include shells.

Shooters will compete for trophies, Olympic-style medallions, shotgun shells, and other prizes in four age groups for individuals and five-person teams. Ten $100 savings bonds will be awarded by drawing, so everyone has a chance to win. A trophy and prize will be reserved for the top girl shooter, as well.

While everyone is welcome to attend, participants who enter must be strong enough to handle a shotgun safely and are expected to know the basic rules and etiquette of trapshooting. The shoot is not for beginners.

Entries (including T-shirt sizes and number of adults for lunch) must be received by September 15. To enter, receive an official program, receive more information, or find out where to practice close to home, phone O’Brien toll free at 1-888-324-5445, email him at, or write to Frank O’Brien, P. O. Box 351, Lewis, KS 67552.
