Online bibliography aids fish and wildlife professionals, landowners

With approximately 97 percent of Kansas land in private ownership, Sunflower State wildlife depend on landowners for survival. Most landowners enjoy wildlife on their property, and many would like to know more about how to make their land more productive for fish and wildlife while maintaining a successful farming or ranching operation.

The U. S. Department of Agriculture is doing its part to help with the establishment of a new bibliography of publications about effects of conservation practices on dozens of different kinds of North American fish and wildlife. The bibliography is available online from USDA's National Agricultural Library (NAL).

Scientific journal articles, technical reports, and other documents cover the needs of North American wildlife and practices that would be helpful to them. Although primarily intended for natural resource management professionals, the bibliography is also useful for anyone interested in conservation of fish and wildlife habitats.

Titled "Effects of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Fish and Wildlife: A Conservation Effects Assessment Project Bibliography," the bibliography includes conservation practices ranging from creating structures in streams to using fire to benefit wildlife. Virtually all habitat types in Kansas and the rest of the country are included.
