Order deadline first Monday in May
MANHATTAN — The Kansas Forest Service’s (KFS) Conservation Tree Planting Program offers the public tree and shrub seedlings, as well as other items for use in conservation plantings. Plantings may function as wildlife habitat, windbreaks, woodlots, timber plantations, or Christmas tree farms.
Although seedlings are distributed in both fall and spring, spring distribution is by far the largest and offers both bare-root and container-grown seedlings for sale. Orders will be accepted through the first Monday in May, with seedling distribution beginning the second week of March. Non-plant items are offered throughout the year as availability allows.
The minimum order is one unit (25 seedlings). Orders must be placed in whole units — partial units or mixed units (such as one-half unit of eastern redcedar and one-half unit of Austrian pine) will not be accepted. There are limited numbers of seedlings available each year, and selling out is not uncommon for many species, so KFS recommends ordering as soon as possible.
To order online, go to https://www.kansasforests.org/public_saps/Welcome.aspx. (Be sure to include the “s” on “https”.) Orders may also be placed by phoning 888-740-8733 or by mailing downloaded order forms to Kansas Forest Service, 2610 Claflin Rd, Manhattan, KS, 66502. Orders are shipped via UPS anywhere in the lower 48 states but cannot be shipped to Post Office boxes.
More detailed information may be obtained at the KFS website, https://www.kansasforests.org, or by phoning the toll-free number above. (If the links in this text do not work, copy and paste the URLs into your browser.)