Event to focus on beaver trapping and management; registration required
FRONTENAC — The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) and southeast Kansas furharvesters will conduct a furharvesting workshop on Feb. 26 at Mined Land Wildlife Area Unit No. 1, near the intersection of U.S. highways 69 and 160, north of Frontenac.
The workshop will begin with a short presentation at the area’s shelter house at 9 a.m. Speakers will discuss the regulated use of trapping as an efficient and acceptable means of managing and harvesting beaver. The beaver population is thriving throughout the United States, and in some cases, large beaver populations can be damaging to agriculture, woodlands, and man-made impoundments.
Following the short presentation, the group will head into the field with KDWP staff and local furharvesters to set a trap line and check traps that had been set on the area the night before. Fur handling, trapping methods, and furharvesting regulations will be covered throughout the seminar. Lunch will be provided, and class should be concluded by 3 p.m.
The event is free. For more information concerning this workshop, phone 620-827-6301 or 620-231-3173. Registration is required to attend the course. A furharvester certificate is not required to attend but is recommended. A furharvester education certificate can be obtained by going to the following website, studying the material, and taking the test online: kdwp.state.ks.us/news/Other-Services/Education/Furharvester.