April 17, 2014
Tim Boxberger, 2014 Instructor of the Year, has been a volunteer instructor for 20-plus years
PRATT – They spend countless hours teaching their students basic firearm safety, the importance of conserving and managing our state’s natural resources, and what it means to be an ethical hunter. Kansas Hunter Education Program volunteer instructors attempt to teach young and new hunters everything they should learn before hitting the field. They don’t do it for the money – they aren’t paid. They don’t do it because they have to – no one is making them. They do it because it’s what they love. Volunteer Hunter Education Program instructors are a vital component in creating responsible hunters and protecting our hunting heritage in Kansas, and it’s only fitting that contributions such as these be recognized.
One such instructor, Tim Boxberger, has made the aforementioned tasks more than a priority in his career as a volunteer instructor – he has made them a lifelong passion. His dedication for teaching and serving 20-plus years as a volunteer instructor convinced eight fellow instructors to nominate Boxberger for the Kansas Hunter Education Instructor of the Year Award.
“As if teaching many hunter ed classes in the spring and fall are not enough, Tim is also instrumental in Pheasants Forever field days, youth hunts, and NRA youth outdoor days,” his nomination letter reads. “Tim shows remarkable dedication to the program and (he) has proven many times he is not afraid to go above and beyond.”
Boxberger will receive a certificate of appreciation and a Savage .17 HMR bolt-action rifle in snow camouflage as tokens of appreciation for his dedication. He resides in Great Bend with his wife, Laura.
Other instructors recognized for their exemplary involvement, performance, and continuing dedication to the program include:
-Paul Babcock, Region 1 Instructor of the Year
-Dennis Smith, Region 2 Instructor of the Year
-Tracy Gutierrez, Region 3 Instructor of the Year
-Dave Perkins, Region 4 Instructor of the Year
-Don Lile, Region 5 Instructor of the Year
Each regional winner will receive a certificate and a .223 CZ 527 varmint rifle, complete with a scope.
For more information on the Hunter Education program and its volunteer instructors, contact program coordinator, Kent Barrett, at kent.barrett@ksoutdoors.com.