KDWP Commission to Hold Special Meeting

For Immediate Release:
May 16, 2022
Nadia Reimer CMP®, Chief of Public Affairs
(785) 338-3036
KDWP Commission to Hold Special Meeting
Kansas City – The Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission will host a special meeting on Friday, May 27, 2022, via ZOOM for the sole purpose of introducing two items related to recently-passed legislation, as well as voting on three items that are time sensitive. All items being discussed and/or voted upon are as follows:
General Discussion
- KAR 115-2-1. Amount of fees – Due to the passage of House Bill 2456, KDWP staff are requesting an amendment to KAR 115-2-1 to allow for two new lifetime licenses: one for kids age 5 or younger, with a maximum fee of $300; and one for kids 6 through 7 years of age with a maximum fee of $500.
- KAR 115-9-3. Purchase of lifetime licenses without hunter education certificate – Due to the passage of House Bill 2456, KDWP staff are requesting an amendment to KAR 115-9-3 to include the new kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license with the other categories of lifetime hunting licenses, which may be purchased prior to obtaining a hunter education certificate.
Public Hearing
- KAR 115-25-9. Deer; open season, bag limit, and permits – Commissioners will vote on deer open season dates for the 2022/2023 archery, firearm, and muzzleloader seasons, bag limits and number of permits per unit.
- KAR 115-25-7. Antelope; open season, bag limit, and permits – Commissioners will vote on antelope open season dates for the 2022 archery, firearm and muzzleloader seasons, bag limit and number of permits per unit.
- KAR 115-25-8. Elk; open season, bag limit, and permits – Commissioners will vote on elk open season dates for the 2022/2023 archery, firearm and muzzleloader seasons, bag limit and number of permits per unit and subunit.
The special meeting will be called to order promptly at 3:30 p.m. For video/audio streaming of the meeting, visit ksoutdoors.com/KDWP-Info/Commission.
The next regular Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission meeting will be held Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 1 p.m. at the Flory Meeting Hall West in Lawrence.