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KAR 115-7-1 Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 351.37 kB)

The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any significant economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public.

KAR 115-7-4 Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 349.92 kB)

The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any significant economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public.

KAR 115-7-10 Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 352.34 kB)

The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any significant economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public.

KAR 115-18-8 Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 349.59 kB)

The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any significant economic impact to the department, other state agencies, small businesses, or individual members of the public.

EASTERN NEWT Notophthalmus viridescens
State: Threatened   Federal: N/A
EASTERN SPOTTED SKUNK Spilogale putorius
State: Threatened   Federal: N/A
GREEN TOAD Anaxyrus debilis
State: Threatened   Federal: N/A
PLAINS MINNOW Hybognathus placitus
State: Threatened   Federal: N/A
State: Endangered   Federal: Threatened
SILVER CHUB Macrhybopsis storeriana
State: Endangered   Federal: N/A