Learn More About Aquatic Invasive Species

The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) works to protect Kansas residents, lakes and rivers from the potential impacts of aquatic invasive species by focusing on preventing or limiting their spread and controlling or eradicating them where feasible.

KDWP monitors planned, beneficial introductions of non-native species for aquaculture, commercial, or recreational purposes (such as the stocking of walleye, a non-native species) so these activities do not accidentally introduce aquatic invasive species. In addition, KDWP works to improve information-sharing among the agencies responsible for regulating intentional introductions.

Aquatic Invasive Species Certification Course 

Photo Collection of Aquatic Invasive Species


You can also enter “aquatic invasive species” or an individual species name into your favorite online search engine

Kansas Department of Agriculture (enter “aquatic invasive species” in the Search box)

Wildlife Forever Invasive Species Campaign

Protect Your Waters, Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers

Aquatic invasive Species Task Force

Seagrant, a program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (enter “aquatic invasive species” on the Search page)