CWD Regulations for Kansas and Other States

Information for Non-Resident Hunters:

Every state has it's own regulations concerning CWD. Most CWD-free states prohibit the importation of a whole deer carcass from a known CWD-positive state. These states usually allow the importation of products such as packaged meat, cleaned skullplate with antlers, and finished taxidermy mounts. This is to prevent the human-assisted spread of the disease. To prevent an unexpected fine or confiscation, non-resident hunters are encouraged to check the regulations of their home states as well as every state they will be passing through on their return trip. A list of state regulations are mainained on the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance website at: These are general guidelines and hunters should verify the information with the regulating agencies of those states.

Information for All Hunters:

Although Kansas does not have a carcass transportation ban, hunters are strongly urged to practice care when moving deer carcasses from the place where they were harvested; CWD has now been found in every surveillance zone in Kansas. The infectious CWD prion is most concentrated in lymph nodes, brain and spinal cord; therefore, the most infectious part of the animal is the head, spinal column, and internal organs. This is why some states recommend boning out the meat while in the field and leaving the rest of the carcass in the area where the animal lived. If a carcass must be transported to other parts of the state, the remains should be incinerated or buried in an approved landfill. Landowners are allowed to bury the waste (carcasses included) they generate on their own property (KSA 653409A1). However, guests and friends may not bury their carcasses on another person's property. Those who do not own land, and therefore cannot bury carcasses, are encouraged to contact their county landfill and ask for permission to properly dispose of their carcasses. Not only does this help prevent the spread of CWD, it also helps keep carcasses out of ditches, off roads, and out of rivers and streams.