General Information


Turkey Permits & Tags

Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
General Information

  • In addition to a Spring Turkey Permit, a valid Kansas hunting license is required of all residents age 16 through 74 and all nonresidents regardless of age except persons hunting their own land.
  • Many licenses are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase. Visit for details.
  • Select licenses and permits purchased online include an auto-renew option, which can automatically renew those purchases upon expiration. License buyers can opt in/out of auto-renew atany time. Visit for details.
  • Residents ages 65-74 may purchase an annual hunting license at half the regular price ($15). Residents age 75 or older are exempt from hunting license requirements, but they must have a Spring Turkey Permit.
  • Dogs may NOT be used while hunting turkeys.
  • Turkey permits are not transferable.
  • Turkeys may be shot only while they are on the ground or in flight; it is illegal to shoot turkeys roosting in trees.
  • Permits and duplicate permits are valid on day of purchase.
  • Turkey permits are valid only in unit numbers printed on those permits or tags.
  • It’s illegal to use drugs, chemicals, or any chemical compound as part of or in conjunction with broadhead arrows to take turkeys.
  • It’s illegal to shoot at, kill, or pursue turkeys from water, air, or land vehicles (without a disability/hunt from vehicle permit).
  • It’s illegal to use two-way radios in any manner for the purpose of pursuing, chasing, or hunting turkeys, or to give information concerning the location of turkeys by radio or mechanical means.
  • It’s illegal to use live decoys and electronic calls when hunting turkeys.