Controlled Shooting Areas

Use the map below to pick a region you would like to look at Controlled Shooting Areas.

Private fee-to-hunt areas licensed by KDWP are called Controlled Shooting Areas (CSA). CSA season runs September 1 - April 30. 

The license fee to establish a CSA is $202.50. To request an application or for information regarding the license to establish a Controlled Shooting Area, contact Sarah Navarro at 620-672-0797.

A special CSA hunting license may be purchased that is valid only on Kansas CSAs. Hunter education certification is not required on CSAs.

Hunter access to CSAs is through permission of the owner/operator only; trespassing is unlawful. Besides the list below there is also a list of CSA services available at

NOTE: The Kansas Open Records Act (K.S.A. 45-215, et. seq.) and specifically K.S.A. 45-230 provides that “no person shall knowingly sell, give or receive, for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to persons listed therein, any list of names and addresses contained in or derived from public records...” Violating these provisions may subject violators to civil penalties. See K.S.A. 45-230 for more information.

Northwest Controlled Shooting Areas

Alan Blake Rollins 225-223-0791  Rooks
Andy J Andrews 303-688-0808 or 303-870-8881 Gove
Blaine Garrett/Fred Weigel 303-910-0911 Russell
Broken Bar 7 Game Ranch 785-332-2416 or 785-332-2019 Cheyenne
C Diamond Partners, LLC 708-267-6615 Rooks
Charles Worden 785-871-0041 Norton
Chenoweth Farms Hunt Club 303-833-8821 or 303-921-5666 Graham
Czechland Outfitters 785-527-0631 or 785-527-2527 or 785-527-1930 Republic
DDD Ranch LLC 402-672-9160 Rawlins
Deer Creek Hunt Club LLC 602-499-1177 Smith
Don's Guide Service LLC 785-545-3551 Mitchell
Double K Hunts 785-427-6604 Cloud
Fantasy Flyers 785-754-3324 Gove, Sheridan
Fauln Feathers Game Preserve 620-755-4984 Saline
Fisher Family, LLC 262-957-7673 Rawlins
Fossil Rock Ranch, LLC 307-921-9608 Lane
Galen's 785-529-2815 Mitchell
Kansas Creek Gamebirds LLC 785-335-2887 or 785-243-0428 Republic
Kelvin Ottley 785-769-4049 Gove
Lasada Lodge / Iron Bird 785-483-3758 Russell
LCT, LLC 913-827-7260 Trego
Lebanon Lodge LLC 210-551-9113 Smith
LL Investments LLC 785-313-0347 Rooks
Mikey's Outfitting 785-425-7082/6614 Rooks
MJ's Upland Dog Haven 785-821-2607 Sherman
Outdoor Obsessions, Inc 785-565-2584 Osborne
Pheasant Runn- JoAnn Koerner 785-635-2030 or 785-628-2642 Trego
Prairieman Guide Service 785-792-6375 or 785-738-7405 Lincoln
Quail Quest Hunting 785-529-2815 Mcpherson, Lincoln
R & S Inc Ringneck Country 785-899-5882 Cheyenne, Sherman
Rader Lodge 785-545-3476 Jewel
Ringneck Ranch Inc 785-373-4835 Mitchell, Lincoln
Rooster Run 785-626-0043 or 785-626-3700 Rawlins
Seven 2 Bar Adventures 785-627-5500 or 785-627-5425 Graham
Spearpoint Ranch 785-524-5330 Lincoln
Special T Hunting 785-529-4081 Mitchell
Spillman Creek Lodge Inc 785-658-5757 Lincoln
Sunflower Outfitters 785-452-1192 Cloud
T&S Bird Farm 785-425-8329 Rooks
T-Bar Ranch 785-899-7200 or 409-770-4341 Sherman
Tice, LLC 785-534-0072 Mitchell
Triple H Outfitters 785-488-5120 Lincoln