June 07 60-day Notice
This permanent regulation establishes cabin camping permit fees at various locations within the state. The proposed amendments would add one cabin location on a wildlife area and one cabin location at a state fishing lake as well as set the fees for five new structures at state parks.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable economic impact on the department, other agencies or the public.
This new exempt regulation establishes additional considerations for the deer open seasons, bag limits and permits. The proposed regulation would set the firearms seasons on Fort Riley and allow the use of game tags on Cedar Bluff wildlife area.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable economic impact on the department, other agencies or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes deer permit descriptions and restrictions. The proposed amendment would allow the use of game tags on public lands as specified in other regulations.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable economic impact on the department, other agencies or the public.