This permanent regulation sets the fees for various licenses, permits and other issues of the Department. The proposed amendments would offer a price decrease for spring turkey permits and game tags if purchased in combination prior to the start of the season.
October 15, 2009 60-day Notice
No appreciable negative economic impact is anticipated for the Department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation sets the fees for cabin camping permits. The proposed amendments would add new cabins anticipated to be available in the next calendar year.
No appreciable negative economic impact is anticipated for the Department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes the legal equipment, methods of taking and other provisions for fishing. The proposed amendments would remove mandatory take provisions for paddlefish snagging and allow archery and crossbow equipment for taking of certain sportfish.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes requirements for the taking of bait fish or minnows. The proposed amendments would allow the take of gizzard shad larger than 12 inches in total length.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes special provisions related to fishing. The proposed version of the regulation would prohibit tagging or marking of fish.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes requirements for fishing, fish bait, and seining on department managed or owned lands and waters. The proposed amendments would change the minimum acreage of department managed waters from 500 to 1201 acres related to the use of set lines or trot lines.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes legal equipment, taking methods, and possession for doves. The proposed version of the regulation is necessary to address legal methods of take due to the expansion of dove hunting seasons for exotic dove species.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This exempt regulation establishes the spring turkey season, bag limit, permits and game tags. The proposed version would allow increase the number of permits available in Unit 4 by eliminating special youth Unit 4 permits and make all statewide youth turkey permits valid in Unit 4.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This exempt regulation establishes fishing requirements related to creel limit, size limit, possession limit and open season. The proposed version makes changes to the reference document and the addition or deletion of waters from the special creel limits, length limits or bait restrictions.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
A public hearing will be conducted by the Wildlife and Parks Commission at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, October 15, 2009 at the VFW, 610 E Walnut, Sedan, Kansas, to consider the approval and adoption of proposed administrative regulations of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.
A workshop meeting on business of the Wildlife and Parks Commission will begin at 1:30 p.m., October 15, at the location listed above. The meeting will recess at 5:30 p.m. then resume at 7:00 p.m. at the same location for the regulatory hearing. There will be public comment periods at the beginning of the afternoon and evening meetings for any issues not on the agenda and additional comment periods will be available during the meeting on agenda items. Old and new business may also be discussed at this time. If necessary to complete the hearing or other business matters, the commission will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. October 16 at the location listed above.