This permanent regulation establishes the application, provisions and requirements for nuisance bird control permits. The proposed amendments would add and remove birds from the nuisance list and require the use of nontoxic shot and bullets.
August 12, 2011 60-day Notice
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes fees for department cabins. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes authorized operation for motor vehicles on department lands and waters. The proposed amendments would allow certain motor vehicles onto ice covered department waters for the purpose of ice fishing.
The proposed amendments are not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
A public hearing will be conducted by the Wildlife and Parks Commission at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, August 11, 2011 at the Wetlands Education Center, 592 NE K-156 Highway, Great Bend, Kansas, to consider the approval and adoption of proposed regulations of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.
A general discussion and workshop meeting on business of the Wildlife and Parks Commission will begin at 1:30 p.m., August 11 at the location listed above. The meeting will recess at 5:30 p.m. then resume at 7:00 p.m. at the same location for more business and the regulatory hearing. There will be public comment periods at the beginning of the afternoon and evening meetings for any issues not on the agenda and additional comment periods will be available during the meeting on agenda items. Old and new business may also be discussed at this time. If necessary to complete business matters, the Commission will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. August 12 at the location listed above.