- Type of Cabin: Modern Cabin
- This facility is ADA accessible
- Location of Facility: N39 38 24 W95 10 12
- This Facility is Reservable. Check availability and reserve Atchison State Fishing Lake Modern Cabin
Click for more information
Directions to Cabin: From Atchison, KS go 3 miles north on Hwy 7, turn left (west) on 318th Road, go 2 miles on 318th and then turn right (north) on Pawnee Road and go .7 mile. The cabin is on your left between the road and lake.
Click HERE for alternative map and directions HERE.
THE NEW DELUXE CABIN overlooks Atchison State Fishing Lake. This cabin offers one bedroom with a full-size bed and a futon. The bathroom offers a large walk-in shower. The large front room has a full kitchen with stove, refrigerator, microwave, pots and pans, dishes, silverware, and basic kitchen tools.
Also included are toasters, coffee
makers, and filters. You will find additional sleeping accommodations in the front room with a pull down twin-size murphy bed and a sofa. Occupancy is limited to 6; exceptions for additional children may be approved by the manager. No more than 6 people my use the cabin at one time. No gatherings of more than 6 are allowed in the cabin.
The cabin is air conditioned and heated. A picnic area outside offers a fire ring, barbecue grill, and picnic table. The large front porch will beckon you to sit a spell. Located just north and west of Atchison, you will enjoy the tranquility of the lake and great fishing opportunities. This cabin is ADA-accessible. Located northwest of Atchison, the cabin is open all year. Vehicle permits are not required at Atchison State Fishing Lake.
No check-in is required. There is only one cabin on this area. The entry to the cabin is by code on door knob
Cabin Housekeeping Guidelines
- The cabin should be left in at least as good of condition as you found it in.
- Dishes, Pot, Pans, Silverware and all other kitchen accessories should all be washed, dried and put back into cabinets.
- All appliances should be cleaned. (Microwave, Stove, Refrigerator, Toaster, Coffee Maker and Can Opener)
- Please sweep floors. If floors are heavily soiled a mop is provided.
- Please take all trash to the dumpster located at shop/office at the south end of lake. If no dumpster is available please set trash by shop fence.
Cabin Rules
- Check in time is 2:00 pm
- Check out time is 12:00 noon.
- No Alcohol is allowed.
- Absolutely NO Pets or Smoking in Cabin. All outside pets must comply with the pet regulation (KAR 115-8-10). Summary of KAR 115-8-10 - Pets shall be controlled at all times by using any of the following: Hand-held lead not more than 10 feet in length; tethered chain or leash not more than 10 feet in length. The pet shall be under the direct observation of and control by the owner; or confined to a cage, pen, vehicle or trailer. The requirements of subsection shall not apply to dogs while being used during and as a part of any of the following acts or activities: Hunting during open hunting seasons on lands or waters open for hunting; However no pets are allowed in cabin
- Occupancy is limited to 6; exceptions for additional children may be approved by the manager. No more than 6 people my use the cabin at one time. No gatherings of more than 6 are allowed in the cabin.
- Fires at cabin in approved fire ring only.
- No cooking on porch.
- No cleaning of fish or wildlife in cabin.
- No tents or campers at cabin without approval.
Atchison State Fishing Lake Modern Cabin
- Type of Cabin: Modern Cabin
- This facility is ADA accessible
- Location of Facility: N39 38 24 W95 10 12
- This Facility is Reservable. Check availability and reserve Atchison State Fishing Lake Modern Cabin
- Click for more information