Wildlife Viewing

Leavenworth State Fishing Lake in the Glaciated Region is surrounded oak-hickory forest. Bur, chinquapin, white, red, and black oaks cover the hills, plus bitternut and shagbark hickory. Willow, elm, locust, box elder, and silver maple line the lakeshore. The uplands have some native tallgrassprairie glades. This forest-prairie mosaic, along with the lake and an area of wetlands a short distance south of the west entrance, supports a multitude of wildlife.

As you approach the lake, survey the grasslands for prairie birds. In fall and spring scan the open waters for common goldeneyes, buffleheads, canvasbacks, mallards, northern pintails, and northern shovelers. In winter, many geese use this lake. Blue-gray gnatcatchers, yellow-throated vireos, Kentucky warbIers, yellow warblers, and northern orioles nest in the area. Listen at night for chuck-will's-widows, whip-poor-wills, barred owls, and great horned owls. In the dim light of dusk and dawn, white-tailed deer, wild turkeys, opossums, raccoons, and beaver are active. By mid-morning gray and fox squirrels can be seen scampering through the trees.