Hillsdale Wildlife Area

Land Cover
Habitat types include grassland, forest, wetland, ponds, and farmland. Grasslands vary from open grass- and wildflower-dominated fields to brushy shrublands abundant with dogwood, plum, sumac, and cedar. More than 1,000 acres of mature oak, hickory, and walnut forest provides hard mast for forest wildlife. Six moist soil wetlands are managed for ephemeral and emergent vegetation for native wildlife, particularly migrating shorebirds and waterfowl. Also, more than 20 ponds can be found across the Wildlife Area; fishing quality unknown. Approximately 500 acres of the Wildlife Area is planted to corn, soybeans, sunflowers, and winter wheat, annually. Additional crops are planted as food plots. Food plot locations may change from year-to-year.
The diversity of vegetation types on Hillsdale Wildlife Area provides habitat for many wildlife species. Popular game species include cottontails, doves, waterfowl, white-tailed deer, and wild turkey.
Cottontail Rabbit - Brushy grasslands provide excellent habitat for cottontails, and as a result, rabbits are abundant across the Wildlife Area. Rabbit hunters and beagle clubs from across the United States have come to Hillsdale to hunt rabbits. Rabbits can commonly be seen along area roads at dawn and dusk.
Dove - Sunflower and wheat fields provide forage for migrating mourning doves. Each year approximately 150 acres are planted to sunflowers and wheat, and these 'dove fields' are very popular for hunters during the dove hunting season. Annually, between 500 and 1,000 doves are harvested on the Wildlife Area.
Squirrel - Fox and gray squirrels are abundant across the Wildlife Area, particularly in mature oak-hickory forest stands.
Waterfowl - A diverse group of waterfowl species stop over at Hillsdale Lake and wetlands during spring and fall migration. Common species include mallard, gadwall, blue- and green-winged teal, scaup, bufflehead, goldeneye, Canada goose, and snow goose. Fall migration typically peaks in mid to late December but is highly dependent on ice cover. Because the wetlands freeze-up early, the lake typically provides the only hunting opportunity late in the season.
White-tailed deer - Deer are common across the Wildlife Area. Population density at Hillsdale was estimated at 22 deer per square mile following fall 2015 spotlight surveys.
Wild Turkey - The mixture of forest, grassland, and agricultural vegetation at Hillsdale provides excellent habitat for wild turkeys. Turkeys are common across much of the Wildlife Area. Heavy May rains in 2015 and 2016 may have affected poult survival and recruitment.
Hunting and Fishing Opportunities
Hunting is permitted on approximately 10,000 acres of land and water at Hillsdale Lake. Hillsdale Wildlife Area and Hillsdale State Park provide hunting opportunities on 7,200 land acres. A Youth-Mentor & Novice hunting area includes the 'Youth' or Big Bull Marsh and surrounding uplands east of Spoon Creek Rd on 223rd St. Access to this area is reserved for youth and novice hunters (check the annual hunting regulations guide for more information). A waterfowl refuge is closed to all activities from October 1 through January 15, annually. During construction of Hillsdale Reservoir, much of the standing timber was left standing to provide fish habitat. Approximately 4,500 acres of water are open to fishing.
Hillsdale Wildlife Area News
Hunters and trappers must check-in here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials prior to using Hillsdale Wildlife Area.
Please call the Hillsdale State Park office (913-783-4507) if you have any questions.
Dove Fields
Four managed Dove fields are located on Hillsdale Wildlife Area totaling around 48 acres. ALL DOVE FIELDS ON HILLSDALE WILDLIFE AREA ARE NON-TOXIC SHOT ONLY. All fields are sunflowers. Fields are mowed in strips to provide cover for hunters and allow more area for groups to spread out. Field 1 is located on the North side of 223rd and approximately one mile West of Columbia Rd. Field 1 is 7.7 acres. Field 2 is located just West of Tontzville Bridge and on the South side of S Gardner Rd. Field 2 is 16.8 acres. Field 3 is located at the furthest North agricultural field on the wildlife area, near 213th St., bordering Johnson County Parks and Recreation. Field 3 is 13.8 acres. Field 4 is located on the North side of the Wade’s Branch Ponds and on the East side of Waverly Rd. Field 4 is 10.4 acres.
Maintain safe shooting distances between hunting parties and always know what lies beyond your target. It is highly recommended that hunters where safety/shooting glasses within the dove fields to prevent potential injury due to falling pellets.
Detailed maps and information will be posted on the Hillsdale Wildlife Area web page.
Hillsdale Wildlife Area is included in the electronic daily hunt permit system. This system, which will streamline data gathering for management purposes and be convenient for hunters, has taken the place of the old paper dove survey card system. Hunters can register at any time by going to ksoutdoors.com/check-in to register and check-in for hunting. After you are done hunting, you will “check-out” and record any harvest you may have from the hunt. Electronic daily hunt check-in is mandatory for all hunters pursuing any type of game on the Hillsdale Wildlife Area
For additional information go to: ksoutdoors.com/checkin or call Public Lands Section at 620-672-5911.
Field #1: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located on the North side of W 223rd St., just West of Yankee Bit LN.
Field #2: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located on the South side of Gardner Rd., just West of the bridge over Hillsdale Lake on Tontzville Rd.
Field #3: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located on the furthest North end of the Wildlife Area. Access to this field comes from the West on the dead end road of W 213th St. The field is Northeast of the dead end road by the Johnson County Parks and Recreation ground.
Field #4: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located to the East of W 247th St at Wade’s Branch.
Reservoir and Wetland Conditions
Check Hillsdale Lake water level and 24-hour precipitation here.
Check Waterfowl Report tab for Wetland water levels and conditions.
Not all property boundaries are well marked. Be sure you know where public hunting is permitted and obey all signs. If in doubt, maps are available at the Hillsdale State Park office or under the General Information tab or stop by the State Park office for clarification.
Deer Hunters
13 food plots have been planted this fall across the wildlife area. This should provide with browse, as well as hunting opportunities throughout the season.
It is NOT legal to use bait when hunting or preparing to hunt on Department lands
Treestands must be marked with your name and address or KDWPT#. Stands must be removed within 2 weeks of season closure.
Portable blinds may not be left unattended over night
Please contact Zach Ramsay with questions: 913-594-3600.
- REQUIRED Hunters and trappers must check-in / check-out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials.
- Area Regulations are posted at the Hillsdale State Park office and on signs across the property
- Non-toxic shot required at designated dove fields
- Camping is permitted only within the State Park designated campgrounds
- Off road vehicle use and target shooting is prohibited
- Special Handicapped hunting is available within designated areas, contact the Hillsdale State Park Office (913-783-4507).
- Attention: Trapping is authorized in areas open to hunting
Here is a complete list of Public Land Regulations or you can download the regulation summary.
Hillsdale is one of the newest reservoirs in Kansas. Completed in 1982, the reservoir is part of a comprehensive flood control plan for the Osage and Missouri River basins. In 1989 the Corps of Engineers leased 12,880 acres to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism to be managed for recreation and natural resources. Hillsdale Wildlife Area includes roughly 5,000 land acres located on the northern arms of Little Bull and Big Bull Creeks.
Waterfowl Numbers | The Hillsdale Wildlife Area has experienced a relatively dry year in regards to water levels in 2024. The reservoir currently sits 2 feet below conservation pool. Due to the low water level of Hillsdale Reservoir, the wetlands were unable to be pumped this year. ALL WETLANDS ARE DRY. Waterfowl counts given on this report are based on what was observed on the day the report is updated. Waterfowl numbers vary greatly from day to day and weather conditions and hunting pressure will affect the numbers of waterfowl on the area. A waterfowl survey was conducted on 2/10/2025. The survey showed around 40 Canada geese on Hillsdale reservoir. Around 25 mallards, 75 goldeneye, 10 bufflehead, and 20 unidentified divers were also seen. |
Water Level | Antioch Wetland - Empty Browns Wetland, Upper pool - Empty Browns Wetland, Lower pool - Empty Youth-Mentor Wetland - Empty Wade Branch Wetlands - North - Low, South - Low Hillsdale Lake - See Army Corps Daily Report ICE CONDITION - 70% ice cover on lake. 0% ice cover on wetlands |
Comments | Reminder - check-in / check-out is required for all hunting on Hillsdale Wildlife Area. This can be done here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. The information and harvest data collected, along with comments received are very useful in establishing future management goals for the Hillsdale State Wildlife Area. https://www.ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Migratory-Birds/Ducks for more information on seasons and limits. |