Melvern Wildlife Area

Melvern Lake/Wildlife Area Waterfowl Report
Melvern Reservoir Fishing Information

Melvern Wildlife Area is located in the physiographic area known as Osage Cuestas. Much of the upland area is dominated by native tall grass prairie with small wooded draws interspersed. The lowlands located along the Marais des Cygnes river flood plain is primarily crop land. The area habitats include approximately 4,000 acres of native tall grass prairie, 2,000 acres of woodland habitat, and 3,000 acres of crop land. Management tools include prescribed fire and crop rotations. 

Moist-soil management is conducted on all marshes which uses water level fluctuations to manage for desirable wetland vegetation beneficial to migratory birds. Periodically, some marshes will be drained in order to conduct dike repairs and control invading woody vegetation and cattails. Management of upland habitats over the years has consisted of converting croplands and cool season grasses to native warm season grasses and forbs, planting of shrub plots, selective cutting of invading woody vegetation, and prescribed burning to stimulate native warm season grasses and forbs.

White-tailed deer and wild turkey are plentiful on the area. Waterfowl numbers vary depending on available habitat, but the area has supported large numbers during both the fall and spring migrations. Mourning dove numbers vary yearly depending on nesting conditions. Ring-necked pheasant may possibly be found in very small numbers on the area. Bobwhite quail populations are excellent on the area, but a good dog is needed due to the dense vegetation. Squirrel and cottontail rabbit numbers are generally healthy and provide some of the most underutilized hunting opportunities on the area.

Non-game species are very plentiful on the area and provide some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities. A wide array of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians can be found on the area.

Fishing for catfish, white bass, and crappie in the Marais des Cygnes River are also popular activities. Trapping which is allowed on the area, can be a very successful venture due to the wide array of furbearer habitats.

2272 Road 250
Reading,KS    66868
Office Hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Manager: Joe Daniels

Habitat Specialist: Wyatt Reyer

Phone: 620-699-3372

- Updated: 12/31/1969

General Information
2272 Road 250
Reading, KS    66868
Office Hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Manager: Joe Daniels

Habitat Specialist: Wyatt Reyer

Phone: 620-699-3372

Special Regulations
  • All hunters on Melvern WA are REQUIRED to obtain a free daily hunt permit.  PERMITS CAN NOW BE OBTAINED ELECTRONICALLY, TO REGISTER AND BEGIN USING THE ELECTRONIC PERMIT SYSTEM, CLICK HERE.   Permits are required only on the portion of the property open to hunting that is managed by KDWPT as a wildlife area. On the north side of the lake, this includes the portion of the wildlife area west of Eisenhower State Park (Wanamaker Rd.); on the south side of the lake this includes the portion of the property west of Indian Hills Rd. The remaining property around the lake is managed by the Melvern Lake Corps of Engineers or Eisenhower State Park and no permit is required to hunt.
  • Off Road Vehicle and Horse use is prohibited.
  • Camping is not allowed on the wildlife area
  • The waterfowl refuge located on the upper end of the lake is closed to all activity from October 1st to January 15th.

Here is a complete list of Public Land Regulations or you can download the regulation summary.


Land Acquisition: The 10,100 acre Melvern Wildlife Area was licensed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Kansas Fish and Game Commission in March of 1977.

Melvern Facilities
Arvonia Cemetery Boat Ramp
  • Type of Facility: Boat Ramp
  • Location of Facility: N38 29.590 W95 53.728
  • Click for more information

    This boat ramp is located on the river for river access below the log jam

Melvern Lake/Wildlife Area Waterfowl Report - 10/18/2024
Waterfowl Observed

Waterfowl observed on this report are based on what was observed on the day the report is updated. Waterfowl numbers vary greatly from day to day and weather conditions and hunting pressure will affect the number of waterfowl on the area. 

Date: 10/18/24

Very few early migrants. Waterfowl observed: Greenwing Teal, Bluewing Teal, Gadwall, Wood Ducks.

Mallard Migration Rank = 0 (0 = no mallards and 10 = peak migration)

Water level Lake level = 1035.15; Conservation pool = 1036.00; Target goal for the lake is 1036.00.         
Hunting conditions

Melvern Lake and the Wildlife Area fall within the Low Plains Late Zone.  

Currently Melvern staff is restricted to minimal pumping capabilities due to the reservoir being below pool level and very little inflows coming from the Marais des Cygnes River.

3 Duck Marsh- Water has been pumped into west pool, east pool is still dry. Moderate to good moist soil vegetation.

Willow Marsh- Good, shallow water for early migrants, moderate moist soil vegetation.

Sundance Marsh- Good water, moderate to good moist soil vegetation

Lowman's Cove- Water was left in these pools all summer. North pond dam has blown out and needs repaired. Poor moist soil production.

Shoveler Slough- Good, shallow water for early migrants. Good moist soil vegetation in much of the unit. The parking lot for this wetland is located at the intersection of 317th and S. Davis Rd. 

Price Marsh- Some water has been pumped into Price. The current water level will be as much water as Price will be able to hold this year. Poor to moderate moist soil vegetation. The levee on Price has been significantly damaged in some areas by flood water. This will impact the amount of water held in the unit for this season. Please be patient while we work on solutions to the damage and ways to prevent damage in the future.  The parking lot for this wetland is at 309th & Crawford. NO DRIVING ON THE LEVEE.

Refuge-The refuge is on the west end of the lake and directly east of Willow Marsh. It produced moderate moist soil vegetation.  The Refuge Area is CLOSED October 1st through January 15th.

Expected hunting success Poor

All hunters utilizing Melvern Wildlife Area are required to obtain a free daily hunt permit through the new electronic permit system. Hunters can register now to begin using the electronic system at using your licensing login credentials. Waterfowl hunters utilizing the main lake are only required to obtain a permit when hunting west of Hoch Road.



Season: 09/14/2024 - 09/29/2024

Area open: East of Hwy. U. S. 283

Daily bag limit: 6 teal (any combination of teal: blue-winged, green-winged or cinnamon teal)  

Possession limit: 18 teal in possession (any combination of teal: blue-winged, green-winged or cinnamon teal)

Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp


(Youth 17 and younger)

Low Plains Late Zone: 10/19/2024 - 10/20/2024


Season: 10/26/2023 - 12/29/2024 and 01/18/2024 - 01/26/2025

Area open: Late Zone (see map)

Daily bag limit: 6 (Limit Info)

Possession limit: Three times the daily limit

Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp


  • 6 ducks, any combination of six ducks and/or mergansers which may include no more than five mallards (only two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, two canvasbacks, one scaup and one pintail.


Season: 10/26/2024 - 10/27/2024 and 11/06/2024 - 02/16/2025

Area open: Statewide

Daily bag limit: 6 (including Brant)

Possession limit: 18

Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp


Season: 10/26/2024 - 12/29/2024 and 01/25/2025 - 02/16/2025

Area open: Statewide

Daily bag limit: 2

Possession limit: 6

Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp


Season: 10/26/2024 - 10/27/2024 and 11/06/2024 - 02/16/2025

Area open: Statewide

Daily bag limit: 50

Possession limit: No limit

Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp

The Refuge Area is CLOSED October 1st through January 15th.

Wildlife Viewing

It cuts through gently rolling hills of tallgrass, and its marshes teemed with waterfowl and other wildlife. It is the river the French trappers named the Marais des Cygnes (Marsh of the Swans). Melvern Lake, in the valley of that river, is still a haven for many of the wildlife species seen by the early trappers.

A good way to become familiar with the area is to walk on the Marais des Cygnes Nature Trail below the dam and on the Eisenhower Interpretive Trail in Eisenhower State Park. There are riparian woodlands of ash, American elm, cottonwood, and honey locust, and thickets of rough-leaved dogwood, smooth sumac, and wild plum. Hundreds of acres of big and little bluestem, Indiangrass, switchgrass, black sampson, black-eyed Susan, Illinois bundleflower, and dozens of other prairie plants are found here.

The river, lake, and cattail marshes provide habitat for many migrating waterfowl, shorebirds, and wading birds. In winter bald eagles perch in trees along the lake. Also watch for sharp-shinned, Cooper's, and rough-legged hawks. The waters attract snow geese, gadwalls, American wigeons, and common mergansers. Look in the woodlands and thickets for black-capped chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, tufted titmice, and brown creepers. In spring, grasslands contain booming grounds, or leks, of greater prairie chickens. Summer birds include wood ducks, scissor-tailed flycatchers, eastern kingbirds, common nighthawks, and great blue herons. Year-round residents include red-tailed hawks, northern harriers, eastern screech-owls, Canada geese, belted kingfishers, and red-headed woodpeckers. Mammals such as white-tailed deer, squirrels, bobcats, coyotes, muskrats, and beaver can best be viewed just before sunup and just after sundown.

2022 Dove Fields

5 managed sunflower fields are located on the Melvern Wildlife Area totaling about 60 acres. 

-All sunflower fields are Non-toxic shot only

-Check-in and check-out are required daily (

-Always know what lies beyond your target 

-It is highly recommended that hunters wear safety glasses within the dove fields to prevent potential injury due to falling pellets.

Shoveler's Slough (PDF - 1.00 MB)

Located directly east of the north parking lot at Shoveler's Slough.