Heartland Pioneer chapter in Sterling will provide land, guides, and dogs
STERLING — On Nov. 7, the Heartland Pioneer Chapter of Quail Forever will sponsor a youth hunt at Dr. Jack Mull’s wildlife preserve, approximately 12 miles east of Sterling. Experienced instructors and bird dogs will safely guide young hunters on a pheasant and quail hunt. The event will reinforce hunter education concepts, and participants will learn how to hunt in a line and behind trained bird dogs.

This mentor/youth hunt will include a morning session and an afternoon session. Each session will be limited to 10 students. Participation is limited to youngsters in grades 6 through 12. Students must possess a hunter education certificate and a hunting license if they are 16 or older. (Because the hunt will be conducted on a controlled shooting area, youth older than 16 may participate.) Food and fellowship at Dr. Mull’s cabin will cap off the day.

The registration deadline is Oct. 31. Contact Nolan Fisher at 620-242-3700 for more information.