Jan. 12, 2012
Topeka event will help develop ongoing strategy for the Flint Hills region
TOPEKA — Persons who want to attend the Second Governor’s Flint Hills Visioning Summit on Tuesday, Jan. 17, are encouraged to register soon. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Shawnee Ballroom at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center in Topeka. The summit will bring together stakeholders from throughout the Flint Hills Region and across Kansas. There is a $20 registration fee with a limit of 300 participants. Lunch will be provided for those who register in advance. A legislative reception will follow from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The meeting is a follow up to the successful first summit held in May 2011, and is focused on growing the Kansas economy and creating jobs. Governor Sam Brownback’s administration will continue to use the input gathered from this summit to help develop an ongoing strategy for the Flint Hills region. Regional stakeholders and policy makers will make presentations to help participants understand the challenges and strategies. During breakout sessions, participants will discuss specific issues and offer feedback, recommendations, and direction for the future. In addition to Governor Brownback, Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Secretary Robin Jennison also will attend.
Public involvement is crucial to the success of the program. The second summit will be another step to creating thriving rural communities throughout the Flint Hills of Kansas.
Presentation portions of the summit will be streamed live over the Internet for those unable to attend in person. Links will be displayed on the KDWPT website,; on the summit website,; and on the Kansas tourism industry website,
To register or learn more about the meeting, visit the Flint Hills Visioning Summit website at Advance registration is strongly encouraged. For additional information, email Linda Craghead, KDWPT assistant secretary, at or phone 785-296-2281.
If notified in advance, the department will have an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request an interpreter, phone the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may request other accommodations by contacting KDWPT at 785-296-2281.