Feb. 23, 2012
Furbearer running season lasts through Nov. 1; firearms may not be possessed
PRATT — On March 1, the great race begins. That’s the opening day of Kansas furbearer running season, which gives hound enthusiasts the opportunity to chase — but not take — bobcat, opossum, raccoon, red fox, and gray fox. The season runs through Nov. 1.
Although beaver trapping season runs through March 31, all other Kansas trapping seasons and furbearer hunting seasons are over for the winter. Now it’s time for furbearer hunters and their dogs to keep in shape hone skills necessary during the furbearer hunting seasons.
During the running season, no furbearer may be legally killed or taken. In addition, it is illegal for runners to possess any firearm or other weapon while pursuing furbearers during the running season. (Certain exceptions apply.) Legal hours for running furbearers are 24 hours daily, and a furharvester license is required. Furbearers may also be run during the open furbearer hunting seasons, which coincide with trapping seasons.
The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism also reminds furbearer trappers and hunters that bobcats and swift foxes must have been pelt-tagged within seven days of season’s end, which was Feb. 15. Tags should be kept with mounted specimens.