March 29, 2012
New Outdoor Recreation Management System being installed
PRATT — The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) reminds all state park users that parks will not take cabin, campsite, or other reservations from April 1-16. The shutdown will allow the agency to transition to a new reservation system called the Outdoor Recreation Management System (ORMS) hosted by Reserve America, a nationwide campground reservation system. During this time, no reservations will be taken either online or by phone. Reservations made before April 1 will be moved into the new reservation system, so there will be no need to renew existing reservations.
Once the new system is up and running April 17, reservations will be made faster and easier. In addition to allowing customers to make reservations from the comfort of home, photos of each campsite and whether it’s available will be hosted online. In most cases, ORMS will save park users money through reduced service fees and more efficient management. The system also will allow staff to mark sites in need of repair until they can be fixed. ORMS data will show which sites are used the most, making management planning more efficient. ORMS will also allow park staff to look within the system to see which sites are full and who is on those sites, making emergency notifications much faster.
For those without computers or who still prefer using a phone, park staff will be able to use the new system to help callers with reservations.
To make reservations on or after April 17, visit the KDWPT website,, where you’ll be directed to the new reservation site at, or call a KDWPT state park office or the Pratt Operations Office at 620-672-5911. For the location of your nearest Kansas state park office, go to the KDWPT website and click “State Parks/Locations.” Prior to April 17, park users can go to and familiarize themselves with how to use the system ahead of the launch date.
Among many other benefits of ORMS, park users will be able to make a reservation online from home, be assured to have a site if they have made a reservation, and avoid reservation errors such as double-booking. Park staff will use ORMS to manage walk-in as well as phone sales.
For more information, contact the nearest KDWPT state park or phone the Pratt Operations Office, 620-672-5911, and ask for the Parks Division.