Feb. 22, 2013
“Wild About Kansas,” a new junior photo contest, begins this week
PRATT – The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) is proud to announce the 1st Wild About Kansas junior photo contest. Designed to showcase Kansas outdoors through the lens of photographers age 18 or younger, Wild About Kansas will feature winning entries in the 2014 January/February issue of Kansas Wildlife & Parks magazine.
“This is a great opportunity for our youth to explore the outdoors on a completely different level,” said Kansas Wildlife & Parks magazine associate editor, Nadia Marji. “We hope this contest will showcase some of the wonderful talent that our youth have to offer, and possibly even be the start of a new hobby for some.”
Divided into three categories, participants can submit photos related to wildlife, outdoor recreation or landscapes. Participants can submit up to three photos and multiple entries can be submitted in the same category. Photos will be judged on creativity, composition, subject matter, lighting and overall sharpness of the photo.
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category, as well as one honorable mention per category.
Entries must be received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2013. An entry form must be submitted for each participant. Requested format for photos is JPEG, 8 inches by 10 inches, 300 dpi. File size should be a minimum of 1mb and not exceed 5mb.
The contest is open to both residents and non-residents of Kansas.
For more information, or to submit an entry, e-mail Nadia Marji at Enter “Junior Photo Contest” in the subject line.