May 22, 2014
Applications accepted online through June 13
PRATT — Applications for resident-only antelope firearm and muzzleloader permits are being accepted now through June 13. Only online applications are accepted and are available through the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) website, Click "License/Permits" in the upper right-hand corner of the page to begin the process. For more information, call 620-672-0728.
Open to Kansas residents only, more than 1,000 applications are expected for the 140 firearm and 40 muzzleloader permits available this year. Hunters who are unsuccessful in the drawing receive a preference point. It may require six or more preference points for a general resident to draw a firearm permit, or three or four preference points to draw a muzzleloader permit, depending on the number of applicants. Half the permits allocated in each unit are set aside for landowner/tenant applicants. Those who do not want to apply for a permit and want to purchase a preference point only may select "preference point only" online for $7.69. Only one preference point may be obtained per year.
Archery antelope permits are unlimited, and both resident and nonresident hunters can purchase permits over the counter. The open archery unit comprises the same area as the three firearm units combined. Archery antelope permits will be available over the counter from Aug. 1 through Oct. 30.
2014 antelope season dates:
- firearm season — Oct. 3-6;
- muzzleloader season — Sept. 29-Oct. 6; and
- archery season — Sept. 20-28 and Oct. 11-31.
Shooting hours for all seasons are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
For more information on antelope hunting, unit maps, and regulations go to, click on “Hunting,” “Big Game Information,” and “Antelope.”
The first modern-day antelope (properly called "pronghorn") hunting season in Kansas was held in 1974. Nearly 500 hunters applied for 80 permits, and 70 animals were harvested. Today, hunting is restricted to three management units that include parts or all of Sherman, Thomas, Wallace, Logan, Gove, Trego, Greeley, Wichita, Scott, Lane, Ness, Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, Gray, Hodgeman, Ford, Stanton, Grant, Haskell, Morton, Stevens, Seward, Meade and Clark counties.