Wild About Kansas Photo Contest Kicks Off April 11

PRATT – Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine staff invite you to enter your favorite outdoor photographs in the 4th annual Wild About Kansas photo contest beginning April 11. Participants can submit up to three photos in select categories including wildlife, other species, hunting and fishing, outdoor recreation, or landscapes. There is no fee to enter, and the contest is open to both residents and nonresidents.
Wildlife: game and nongame animals, primarily mammals, migratory birds, furbearers, etc.
Other Species: insects, reptiles, and amphibians.
Hunting and Fishing: hunters and anglers; set-up shots following a hunt or fishing trip will be accepted. However, “action” shots, or photos taken during the activity will be given preference.
Outdoor Recreation: people participating in recreational activities outdoors, not hunting or fishing.
Landscapes: scenery; wildlife may be present, but should not be the sole focus of the image.
Photographers can submit up to three photos. Photos must be taken within the state of Kansas and must be the entrant’s original work.
Each photo will be judged on creativity, composition, subject matter, lighting, and the overall sharpness. Winners will be featured in the 2017 Special Photo Issue of Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine.
Only electronic images will be accepted and must be e-mailed to Kansas Wildlife and Parks magazine managing editor, Nadia Marji, at nadia.marji@ksoutdoors no later than 5 p.m. on Nov. 4, 2016. Photos must be in JPEG or TIFF format and file size should be not less than 1mb and not more than 5mb.
Additional information and entry forms will be available on the April 11 contest start date at