Kansas Bowhunters Association Seeking Volunteers For Conservation Day

MILFORD – Hunters understand the vital role quality habitat plays in the conservation of Kansas’ wildlife, and while Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism staff work diligently to provide the best habitat possible, partners are always appreciated. That’s why members of the Kansas Bowhunters Association invite anyone with an interest in improving our wildlife areas to join them for a Conservation Day at Milford State Park, Saturday, April 16. Volunteers from across the state will work together to complete a variety of outdoor projects to benefit wildlife, sportsmen and outdoor recreationalists, alike.
Volunteers are asked to wear clothing appropriate for working outdoors, bring food and drinks, and pack any garden tools or equipment they feel might be helpful.
The group will be camping near the Eagle Ridge Shelter. For information on camping, contact the Milford State Park office at (785) 238-3014.
If event is cancelled due to weather, it will be rescheduled for Saturday, April 23.
For more information, contact Greg Babcock at (785) 531-1829 or ksfirefighter711@gmail.com.
Volunteers do not have to pay a state park entry fee to participate.