Kansas Game Wardens Address Boating Under the Influence Concerns at Perry Reservoir

TOPEKA – Kansas Game Wardens have been targeting Perry Reservoir for Boating Under the Influence (BUI) violations in response to safety concerns. Nine arrests for BUI have been made this summer at Perry, including three this past weekend. Perry Reservoir, located just 20 miles northeast of Topeka, likely receives the heaviest boating activity in Kansas due to its size and proximity to large populations in the northeast part of the state.
This summer, during expected high boating activity weekends at Perry, game wardens have manned up to three patrol boats and a mobile breath alcohol unit to both deter and detect impaired boat operators.
“There were two injury boat accidents at Perry in 2017. Both could have easily been fatal, and both were alcohol related,” said Game Warden Captain Dan Melson. “I receive calls from concerned citizens all the time, but this summer I have received an unusually high number of calls from people who boat at Perry and are truly concerned for the safety of themselves and their families. We are doing our best to address the issue” Melson added.
“We want everyone to enjoy the time they spend outdoors, and your safety while doing so is one of our top priorities. We have had success this summer at Perry Reservoir and we will continue to take constituent concerns and safety very seriously,” added Game Warden Colonel Jason Ott.
Boating under the influence is the leading contributor to injury and fatality boat accidents in North America, and a first conviction for BUI in Kansas can result in up to one year in jail and a $500 fine.