Wild About Kansas Photo Contest Going on Now

PRATT – Have you been working on your outdoor photography skills recently? If you’ve taken a photo highlighting Kansas wildlife, outdoor recreation, hunting, fishing, or local landscapes consider submitting your work in the 2020 “Wild About Kansas” 8th annual photo contest hosted by Kansas Wildlife and Parks Magazine! Deadline for participating in the contest is Oct. 18 by 11:59 p.m.
Here’s how to enter.
1. Visit ksoutdoors.com, click “Publications,” then “2020 Wild About Kansas Photo Contest.”
2. Carefully read each category description, and contest rules.
3. Complete the “2020 ‘Wild About Kansas’ Entry Form” found at the bottom of the webpage. (You will receive a conformation code upon completion).
4. Copy your confirmation code into the subject line of a new e-mail.
5. Attach your photos, and detail which category each photo should be entered into (one category per image). E-mail your photos to kdwpt.wildaboutkansas@ks.gov.
Participants whose images have been selected for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place or honorable mention award will have their winning imagery featured in the 2021 January/February photo issue of Kansas Wildlife and Parks Magazine.
Photos must be:
- 1 megabyte (MB) or larger
- Taken in Kansas
- Appropriate for the category entered
For more information, visit ksoutdoors.com/Services/Publications/Magazine/2020-Wild-About-Kansas-Photo-Contest.