Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission Approves Lottery Draw for Non-resident Turkey Permits

For Immediate Release:
July 7, 2023
Nadia Marji, Chief of Public Affairs
Megan Mayhew, Digital Communications Manager
Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission Approves Lottery Draw for Non-resident Turkey Permits
KANSAS CITY, Kan. – During their June 22, 2023, public hearing, members of the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission approved staff recommendations to initiate a lottery draw system for distribution of non-resident turkey permits set to begin in 2024.
The recommendation was introduced as part of a larger strategy by the Department to reduce overall hunting pressure and turkey harvest in Kansas in response to declining turkey populations nationwide.
In a 7-0 vote, Commissioners passed amendments to K.A.R. 115-4-11 which will implement an application period for non-resident turkey hunters to apply for a specific hunt unit (Units 1, 2, 3, 5 or 6) in early January thru mid-February. Similar to Kansas’ lottery draw for non-resident deer permits, any leftover non-resident turkey permits will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Staff first recommended to Commissioners a lottery draw for non-resident turkey permits in September 2022, after which time it remained a regular public meeting agenda item until voted on by the Commission on June 22, 2023 – the group’s sixth meeting to examine and discuss the recommendation.
To watch recorded video/audio stream of the Commission’s June 22, 2023, meeting, click HERE.
The next Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission meeting will take place on August 17, 2023, in hybrid format at Pittsburg State University’s Bicknell Center VIP Room, Pittsburg.
To be notified of all future public meetings, sign up to receive KDWP news HERE.