Texas Mouse
The Texas Mouse is found only in the extreme southeastern part of the state along dry brushy slopes with oaks and junipers often associated with high cliffs.
They are nocturnal and remain active all year. The mice find concealment in crevices and cavities adjacent to trees among cliffs and locate its nests of dry plants and grasses there. They are well adapted for climbing rugged rock surfaces on which it moves deliberately and cautiously, using its tail for balance. The bases of cliffs and rocks are important avenues of travel.
Little is known of the reproductive activity of this mammal. They have 2-6 young in a litter. This species feeds on acorns, one of their principal foods, and other nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. Hawks, owls, small carnivores, and snakes may prey on this mouse. Longevity of this small mammal is usually less than one year, but maximum length of life is about two years in the wild.