

Hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata

Is hydrilla found in Kansas?

  • Hydrilla is found in Olathe-Blackbob Park Pond.
  • The Kansas Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Wildlife and Parks, and the City of Olathe are attempting to eradicate this population beginning in 2009.

Where did hydrilla come from?

  • Hydrilla is a native to Asia.
  • Hydrilla has spread to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Isalnds, Africa, South American, & North America.

What does hydrilla look like?

  • Hydrilla is a submersed plant with long, slender stems that branch and spread across the water surface.
  • Leaves are small, pointed and arranged in whorls of 4 to 8 along the stem.
  • Leaf margins are distinctly saw-toothed; the plant is noticeably rough to the touch when pulled through the hand.

Why is hydrilla a problem?

  • Hydrilla seriously interferes with boating, both recreational and commercial, and prevents swimming and fishing; major infestations limit sportfish weight and size.
  • Hydrilla greatly slows water flow and clogs irrigation and flood-control canals.
  • When hydrilla invades, ecologically-important native submersed plants are shaded out by hydrilla's thick mats, or are simply out-competed, and eliminated.

How do we control hydrilla?

  • Hydrilla spreads to new waters mainly as fragments on boats and trailers, so to prevent its spread, be vigilant about cleaning your equipment.
  • In a waterbody, Hydrilla can be controlled by biological, mechanical, and chemical means, but prevention is the best method of control.
  • Contact your local Kansas Department of Agriculture office for specific control techniques for an established population.
  • Early detection of isolated populations may help prevent their spread. Your help to report new sightings and to prevent their spread is vital.

What do I do if I find hydrilla?

Images and Recent news

Hydrilla links:

USDA Plants Database

University of Florida-hydrilla page

Hydrilla profile

protectyourwaters.net-hydrilla page