This permanent regulation establishes falconry federal regulation adoption by reference. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
August 23, 2012 60-day notice
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry permits. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry permit classes and requirements. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry examination requirements. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry facilities and inspection. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry equipment requirements. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes falconry reporting requirements. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes requirement for acquisition of raptors. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This permanent regulation establishes other provisions related to falconry. The regulation is proposed for revocation.
The proposed revocation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes general provisions for falconry. The regulation includes provisions from both federal regulation and state regulations that are proposed for revocation. The provisions include hunting license requirements, take of certain species, abatement activities, feather disposal, carcass disposal, conservation education programs, rehabilitation, and hunting seasons.
The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes permits, applications, and examinations for falconry. The regulation includes provisions from both federal regulation and state regulations that are proposed for revocation. The provisions include application provisions, dates permits are valid, transfer of raptors into the state, lapsed permits, temporary permits, permit levels and permit denial, suspension or revocation.
The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes facilities, equipment, care requirements and inspections for falconry. The regulation includes provisions from both federal regulation and state regulations that are proposed for revocation. The provisions include facility definitions, minimum facility requirements, transport requirements, minimum equipment requirements, temporary facilities, training and facility inspections.
The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes taking, banding, transporting, and possessing raptors for falconry. The regulation includes provisions from both federal regulation and state regulations that are proposed for revocation. The provisions include hunting license requirements, capture devices, permission from the landowner, number of raptors that may be taken, threatened or endangered species, reporting take of raptors, recapture of raptors, identification of raptors taken, and release of raptors.
The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes facilities, equipment, care requirements and inspections for falconry. The regulation includes provisions from both federal regulation and state regulations that are proposed for revocation. The provisions include transfer of raptors, prohibiting sale of wild-caught raptors, marking of transferred raptors, and reporting of transferred raptors.
The proposed regulation is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
This new permanent regulation establishes the application, reporting and general provisions for a wildlife rehabilitation permit. The proposed amendment is to extend the possession period for rehabilitation to coordinate with falconry regulations.
The proposed amendment is not anticipated to have any appreciable negative economic impact on the department, other agencies, small businesses or the public.
A public hearing will be conducted by the Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism Commission at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, August 23, 2012 at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 NE K-157 Highway, Great Bend, Kansas, to consider the approval and adoption of proposed regulations of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism.
A regulatory hearing on business of the Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism Commission will begin at 7:00 p.m., August 23 at the location listed above. There will be public comment periods at the beginning of the evening meeting for any issues not on the agenda and additional comment periods will be available during the meeting on agenda items. Old and new business may also be discussed at this time. If necessary to complete business matters, the Commission will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. August 24 at the location listed above.