Kansas Register Submission Form, Notice of Public Hearing and AG letter dated April 5, 2021 (PDF - 1.86 MB)
KAR 115-3-1. Game birds; legal equipment, taking methods, and possession. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 1.56 MB)
KAR 115-4-4. Big game; legal equipment and taking methods. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 2.67 MB)
KAR 115-8-1. Department lands and waters; hunting, furharvesting, and discharge of firearms. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 1.60 MB)
KAR 115-8-1. Department lands and waters - Special Use Restrictions reference document (PDF - 3.57 MB)
KAR 115-8-1. Department lands and waters; hunting, furharvesting, and discharge of firearms. Possible Amendment (PDF - 65.15 kB)
KAR 115-25-1. Prairie chickens; open seasons, bag limits, and possession limits; permit. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 2.14 MB)
KAR 115-25-1a. Quail; open seasons, bag limits, and possession limits. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 1.66 MB)
KAR 115-25-1a. Quail; open seasons, bag limits, and possession limits. Possible Amendment (PDF - 9.05 kB)
KAR 115-25-1b. Pheasants; open seasons, bag limits, and possession limits. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 1.69 MB)
KAR 115-25-1b. Pheasants; open seasons, bag limits, and possession limits. Possible Amendment (PDF - 8.99 kB)
KAR 115-25-9a. Deer; open season, bag limit, and permits; additional considerations; military subunits. and Economic Impact Statement (PDF - 1.96 MB)
KAR 115-25-9a. Deer; open season, bag limit, and permits; additional considerations; military subunits. Possible Amendment (PDF - 8.88 kB)