Publication online Aug. 12; printed copies available in early September
PRATT — Printed copies of the 2011 Kansas Hunting & Furharvesting Regulations Summary will be available at Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) offices and license vendors around the state about Sept. 1, but hunters can view or download the summary beginning Aug. 12 at the KDWPT website, www.kdwpt.state.ks.us. Type “Hunting Regulations” in the search box at the department’s homepage or click on “Hunting,” then “Hunting Regulations.”
As always, this year's booklet contains several new regulations. In addition to changes in season dates, significant new regulations include the following:
- elk units are now described by highway boundaries rather than counties;
- any person who lawfully possesses a firearm suppressing device may use that device in conjunction with lawful hunting and furharvesting;
- resident youth 16 through 20 years old may purchase multi-year licenses valid through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 21. Hunt, fish, and combination licenses are available. Resident youth will save $62.50 if they purchase the multi-year fishing or hunting license when they turn 16. A 16-year-old will save $122.50 if they buy the multi-year combination license; and
- otters may be trapped Nov. 16-March 31, 2012, or until the statewide trapping mortality quota of 100 otters is met. Only two otters per trapper will be allowed for the entire season. Each individual who has trapped an otter must contact designated KDWPT staff within 24 hours of take.
Other regulations are covered in this indispensable booklet. Download a copy as soon as it’s available or pick up a printed copy in early September.