OK Kids Day

Location: Webster State Park Coyote Shelter

Type: Kids Event

Date: Saturday, June 06, 2009

Contact: Webster State Park Office

Phone No: 785-425-6775

Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Other Information:

OK Kids Day and Free Park Entrance


Webster State Park will be hosting an OK Kids Day, Outdoor Kansas for Kids, program in your area June 6th. This free event will take place at Webster State Park and will coincide with Free Park Entrance weekend and free fishing weekend, which is June 6th and 7th. OK Kids day activities will start at 9 a.m. at Coyote Shelter located ¼ mile south and 1/8 mile west of the park office. The OK Kids program, is designed to give kids an alternative to TV, video games, and the Internet, and has the goals of using nature and the environment to start a lifestyle of outdoor interest.

This program is administered by, the Kansas Wildscape Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating outdoor opportunities in Kansas. Partners and the event site hosts are the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the Kansas Recreation and Park Association. OK Kids programs will be occurring across the state, promoting outdoor activities such as fishing, canoeing, hiking, nature and animal programs, plus many other fun and games. Bass Pro Shop is the program sponsor and provides sites with awards.

At Webster the day will started with registration from 8:30-9:00 am. Activities will include a trail hike on Coyote Trail, participants will learn about animals, grasses, trees, along with many other exciting facts dealing with nature. A fishing clinic will be presented by fishing experts, kids will learn about the species of fish in Webster Reservoir and how to catch them. Kids will also be able to try their hand at trap shooting; adult volunteers will teach safe gun handling and proper shooting techniques. Pete Bellerive will have a horse and buggy, and teach kids what transportation was like 100 years ago. We would like to thank our local sponsors Baxter’s Bait and Tackle, and Northshore Bait and Tackle. If interested in attending or have questions contact Webster State Park at (785) 425-6775.