Southeast Region Fishing Reports

Fishing reports provide general angling information from KDWP staff. The department cannot update the reports on a regular, frequent basis. Many factors determine angling success, and fishing conditions and individual fishing success may vary from the report. Anglers are responsible for deciding what species to fish for, what methods to use, and where and when to fish. You can help fellow anglers by sharing successful fishing notes at

TORONTO RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 11/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
channel catfish good

10% 11"-16"

30% 16"-24"

55% 24"-28"

5% 28"-36"

Use a worm, stink bait, or shad sides in channel. 
white bass good

19% 6"-9"

20% 9"-12"

48% 12"-15"

13% 15"-18"

Throw a jig and/or spinner on rocky shoreline or channel break.   
white crappie good

15% 5"-8"

45 8"-10"

30% 10"-12"

10% 12"-15"

Use a jig or minnow on main lake rocky shoreline and dam.
General Comments


Link to USACE reservoir water level:

Size structures are from 2024 October test netting.

To view a map of Toronto Reservoir brush piles, copy this file into Google Earth and zoom into the reservoir. 

TORR brush piles 17 (OCTET-STREAM 1.74 kB)

For more information about the Fall River/Toronto Fisheries District, click here to access newsletters.

BIG HILL RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 9/16/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Crappie Good 6-12" Crappie fishing is good.  Fish have moved deeper with the warm water.  Look for fish in deeper structure and at Rea Bridge.  Minnows and small plastic jigs have been working best.
Channel Catfish Good 16-24" Catfishing is good. Look for catfish to be more actively feeding during the evening and after dark. Also target the windward side of the lake for best results.  Shad sides are the preferred bait.
Largemouth and Smallmouth  Bass Fair 12-20" Largemouth bass fishing has slowed. Look for largemouth to be near deeper structure with the warm water.  Smallmouth bass will be near rocky shorelines and the dam.  Jigs have been working best.
Bluegill and Redears Fair 5-7" Bluegill and redear fishing has been fair.  Bluegill and redear can be found near any submerged vegetation and woody structure. Worms under a bobber are working best.
General Comments
Release all Largemouth Bass 15-21" in Length, daily creel remains 5/day.

BONE CREEK RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Bluegill & Redear Sunfish  Good  4-8 inches Anglers should focus their efforts along the shoreline in depths less than 6' deep near submerged trees and edges of aquatic vegetation. Areas to pursue will be on the north and south ends of the dam, coves, and rocky habitats. A bobber and worm, fly rod with small flies, and 1/16 ounce jig with a twister tail will be good baits to try. Recent sampling indicated a prominent and record year class of redear sunfish and bluegill that are less than 4-inches. Redear, bluegill, green sunfish and longear sunfish all provide important forage for other sportfish species in the lake, as well as provide a fishing opportunity for anglers. 
Channel catfish  Good  15-36 inches Anglers have reported channel catfish being caught in the coves and creek arms. Anglers from the shoreline should focus on the coves, both the north and south side of the dam, west end, and the handicap access on the south side of the lake near the boat ramp. Prepared baits, worms, cut or live bait will be good baits to try. Anglers from boats should focus on flats and near rock habitat. Cut and live bait are good baits to try. 
Black Crappie  Fair 8-14 inches Anglers reported catching crappie 15-20' of water from 6-14 inches. Anglers should focus on submerged trees that are in 15-20' that are in close proximity to depth changes, or creek channels, during all times of the year. Live minnows under a bobber, spinners, or 1/8-1/16 ounch jigs with twister tails will all be good options. Fall sampling indicated a successful spawn and strong 2023 year class of Age-0 (2-3"), another 2022 year class of Age-1 crappie (9-9.5"), as well as crappie up to 14". Black Crappie are growing to 9.5 inches at the end of their second growing season, whereas in 2012, it took 6 years to reach 10-inches in Bone Creek.  
Largemouth bass  Good


33% 8-12"

25% 12-15"

41% 15-20"

1% > 20"


Largemouth bass can be found lakewide in a variety of habitats that are available at Bone Creek. Recent electrofishing surveys for Largemouth Bass indicated a more balanced population of fish from 4-inches to 20-inches being observed. Each year class from 2016 to 2023 were observed during this effort. The population has improved in the last four years with recruitment being observed and strong year classes each in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. Anglers should focus on the edges of vegetation that can be found along the shoreline and coves, as well as along the bank in vegetation and flooded terrestrial vegetation with the lake levels reaching full pool. There is an abundance of submerged trees in a range of depths that will also hold fish. The water clarity will affect fishing, depending on time of day, so don't hesitate to fish the trees that can be found in deeper water. Casting swimbaits, jigs, jerkbaits, and spinnerbaits will be your best bet. Don't hesitate to throw the classic "ned rig" in the summertime when fish will be deeper and provide a chance at a strike. 

To bolster the current population and recruitment of Largemouth Bass at Bone Creek, the KDWP fisheries biologist has increased stocking efforts of Largemouth Bass. In 2019, 218, 377 (fry) were stocked when a hatchery surplus was available. In 2021, 13,500 phase II advanced fingerling Largemouth Bass were stocked. In April 2022, 260,000 (fry) were stocked when a hatchery surplus was available. In June 2022, 25,000 advanced fingerling Largemouth Bass were stocked. In June 2023, 25,000 advanced fingerling Largemouth Bass were stocked. During the week of and on June 4, 2024, 27,000 advanced fingerling Largemouth Bass were stocked into flooded habitat and aquatic vegetation. In total, 569,774 largemouth bass have been stocked since 2018. 

The KDWP fisheries biologist plans to request 27,000 phase II advanced fingerling Largemouth Bass in upcoming years to help bolster year classes and recruitment of Largemouth Bass. This is being evaluated with genetic fin clips to assess stock contribution. In addition to, it was proposed and passed to move from a 13-18" slot length limit to an 18" minimum length limit to protect the stocked fingerlings and naturally spawned Largemouth Bass to preferred lengths for bass anglers. This went into effect on January 1, 2022. 

Saugeye   Good  19-26 inches

Saugeye can be found on flats of 10-14 ft that is near deeper water of 20 feet and deeper at this time of the year. Any depth changes, or structure, will hold fish and can be caught by a variety of methods, such as trolling or vertical jigging. Anglers have reported catching saugeye near the dam on the east side of the lake on swimbaits, jigheads with plastics, and trolling crankbaits. Recent sampling indicated a lower density population than in previous years, but quality up to 25-inches were observed. 

The minimum length for Saugeye at Bone Creek is 18 inches and a daily creel of 5 fish per day! 

General Comments

Water Temperature: 61° F, November 15, 2024

Be sure to Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat, bait buckets, and recreational watercraft before and after launching your boat. It is important and required by law to remove your drain plug on your watercraft upon departure to drain live wells and water inside of your boat; it will protect our natural resources in Kansas for current anglers and future generations to enjoy. Eurasian watermilfoil is an nonnative aquatic vegetation species that is present in Bone Creek. Be sure to inspect your boat, boat trailer, and bait buckets prior to launching and leaving Bone Creek to prevent the spread. Be sure to stay up to date on information regarding Aquatic Nuisance Species. Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water!

If you would like to provide a fishing report for Bone Creek Reservoir, don't hesitate to contact Connor Ossowski, District Fisheries Biologist, at (620) 231-3173.

BOURBON COUNTY CEDAR CREEK - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

 species ratings size baits, methods, locations
Crappie Fair varies Use dark jigs or minnows in the trees along the drop offs. 
Channel catfish Fair varies, The water is clear with a little color.  Go fishing, the fish have to eat. Try along dam and shoreline, use cut shad, worms, prepared baits.  Fish the creek mouth where the fresh water comes in and the fish are stacked up. 
Largemouth bass Excellent varies in range Pattern fish with jigs, spinners, gizzard shad plugs, lots of smaller fish but larger fish like 5 to 7 pounds are available. 
General Comments
The best way to measure social distancing is with a fishing pole. This is a great kayak or small craft lake.  This is a fishing only lake, no recreational boating.  The east boat ramp is usable. Water levels are great.
 The catfish in this impoundment are active and ready for action- Try liver, shad, or live bait fish.  Channel catfish are great after a rain in the north end where the creek comes in.  For largemouth bass try fishing some of the standing timber and weedbeds with spinners and buzzbaits.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and we'd like to remind you to stay aware and take all precautions necessary to prevent the spread into uncontaminated waters! This includes cleaning and rinsing your boat, motor, trailer and equipment, draining any excess water from previous outings, and allowing your boat to dry before using it in a different body of water. 

Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment.

For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWPT video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

NO special permits required, this is a Community Fisheries Assistance Program Lake. Use caution, this lake has quantities of standing and submerged trees and limited shoreline access. This is a 220 acre lake with approximately 180 acres of standing trees. Fishing only lake. The lake has a boat ramp, parking lot, security light, floating dock, and vault toilet on the east side of the lake and a boat ramp and parking lot on the west side..

BOURBON COUNTY ELM CREEK LAKE - Last Updated: 9/6/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Channel catfish Excellent varies try bluegill chunks, chicken liver.  Anglers are catching big Fish. Fish feeders are OFF.  Gearup.  
Largemouth bass Excellent varies lake wide, use silver crank and spinner baits, or dark jigs,   
Bullheads Good varies use worms,or liver lake wide  
Bluegill Good varies small baits and worms under floats, along weedbeds around fish attractors  
Crappie Good some small fish but some real good ones also, with 50 limit use minnows and dark jigs, recently bigger fish over 11 inches reportedly caught, but lots of 9 inch fish.    

The best way to measure social distancing is with a fishing pole. This lake is great for shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out.  Remember the length and creel limits.

Due to a leak in the dam water levels can be low and will remain low until repairs are made.  Wildlife and Parks have committed funds for repairing the dam and waiting for the county to proceed. 

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and Linn Valley, Linn County, (Private Lake Development), we'd like to remind you to "Clean, Drain and Dry" your boat and equipment.


Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats, trailers and equipment.

For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWPT video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

With questions about this lake call Donald George, Fisheries Biologist, at 913-795-2218, or Bourbon County at 620-223-3800.

BOURBON STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Black Bass- Largemouth and Spotted Bass Excellent Fish 10 to 17 inches dominate the population The edges and drop offs, especially off the pier ends are good places to fish, bass habitat has been placed there.  Use spinners, plastic baits, crankbaits. Some fish are in deeper water breaks.  The water is pretty clear.
Bluegill/redear sunfish Good all sizes Nice bluegill and redear sunfish are available by slow fishing along the piers with jig, worm under a float. 
Walleye/Saugeye Slow varies Fish drop offs and at the head of the inflow areas using crank baits, jigs and or minnow
Channel Catfish Excellent 12-22 inches Use just about any catfish bait, cut bait, stink baits, chicken liver, worms, the fish feeders are ON.  After hard rains fish the south end where the water comes in. Fish the creek mouth where the fresh water comes in and the fish are stacked up.  We recently restocked channel catfish so the density is really high.  Remember the length limit is 15 inches and the creel limit is 2 per person
Crappie Fair 8 - 12 inches and up Try using minnows, jigs under a 5ft float, along the piers.  
General Comments

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and Linn Valley, Linn County, (Private Lake Development), we'd like to remind you to " Clean, drain and dry"

Water level management at Bourbon State Fishing Lake is an important fisheries management tool.  By partially draining some of the lake water, in the fall, small fish are forced out of the shallows into deeper water where predators can harvest them, preventing some stunting, improving growth of crappie, bluegill and improving bass and walleye/saugeye growth and condition.  This tool improves energy flow and growth producing better fishing opportunities for anglers. 

Fish attracting habitat have been placed along the shoreline to attract fish and improve shoreline angling. This lake produces some nice crappie each year.  Recent sampling indicates that there are many good crappie to catch.  The bass population at this impoundment consists of spotted and largemouth bass.  Spotted bass tend to hang near rocks and the dam, whereas on the south end of the lake your more likely to catch only largemouth bass.  

The lake was just recently restocked with channel catfish.

COFFEY COUNTY LAKE - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Methods, Locations
largemouth bass Slow-Fair 8 in to 21 inches Vibrating jigs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, swimbaits or jerkbaits fished around structure. Flutter spoons or large plastic worms rigged on shaky heads fished off of points and ledges. Quality fish are present but numbers remain low. Fish will be concentrating closer to the warm water as the colder weather comes.
walleye Fair 14-25 inches Fish should be on rocky points, humps, or drop offs. Fish can be caught with jig and plastic, crankbaits, or drifting a jig and crawler on bottom bouncers
channel catfish/blue catfish Good 1/2-5 lbs, Blues up to 50lbs. Various prepared baits, liver, and worms usually good for channel catfish lakewide. Using fresh cut bait such as shad or carp usually is best for blue catfish. Fishing wind blown banks or up in the riprap should be productive or try creek channel swings and humps. Don't be afraid to fish shallow water for both species. 
smallmouth bass Slow-Fair 10-20 inches Throwing small shad imitators like compact spinnerbaits or crankbaits. Crayfish imitating baits should also work. Ned rigs or drop shots are great techniques to use for smallmouth. Fishing these baits around the deeper rip rap banks or rocky points are probably the best spots. Recent sampling continues to show a lower density population.
white bass/Wipers Good-Excellent up to 5lbs. Using small shad imitating baits such as small crankbaits, bucktail jigs, slab spoons, or twister tail grubs fished on wind blown points or rocky banks near deep water. Small topwater poppers will work around the same areas as fish are feeding on shad. Vertical jigging a spoon or jigging rap is an excellent technique once you find a big school.
crappie Fair 11-15 inches Crappie will be out in deeper water near structure such as standing timber or creek channel bends and dropoffs. Using jig and plastics or minnows should work.
General Comments

Entrance gate phone number is 620-364-2475 call for lake conditions

Fishing near the  warm water outlet during the fall and winter can be very productive for multiple species.

A large brush pile was created north of the boat ramp in the old creek channel and is marked with a fish attractor buoy. There were also several trees sunk at the end of the hot water dike and should be easily marked on your locator. These spots should be really good in the fall and winter months.

ZEBRA MUSSELS have been confirmed in Coffey County Lake! Please help stop the spread. Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat and livewell after leaving this lake. It is illegal to transport live fish, bait, and water from this lake.

CRAWFORD STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method &Location
Bluegill / Redear sunfish  Good   4-8"         Bluegill can be caught using a bobber and worm, 1/16-1/32 ounce jighead, and a fly rod and small fly. Locations to try would be near the swim beach in the northwest corner, main lake coves, and marina cove.  
Saugeye  Fair 18-21"                                               The fall sample indicated a low-density, high-quality population of saugeye up to 21". A variety of ways to target saugeye are trolling with swimbaits and Rapalas, or vertical jigging. Anglers can also find saugeye up shallow in the fall, winter, and spring when water temperatures are cooler and where they can be found feeding on the flats and shallow habitat. 
Wiper (White bass x Striped Bass hybrid) Poor  21-24" Wiper have been stocked in Crawford State Lake and provide a quality sportfish for anglers to target. Wipers are pelagic, or open water, predators lurking in deeper water during the day, but come up shallow to feed in the morning, evening, and during the night. Some baits to try would be jerkbaits, swimbaits, jigs, and live bait. Trolling and vertical jigging over schools of gizzard shad may yield a fish, or two. 
Channel catfish  Good     16-24"                   Channel catfish can be found throughout all portions of the lake. Anglers can target in coves on the upper end of the lake, especially during periods of inflow, main lake where submerged trees and Georgia Cubes have been placed, and jetties and docks that can be fished from shore. Prepared baits, gizzard shad, live bait, and chicken liver are all popular baits that anglers might give a try. 
Flathead catfish Good All sizes Flathead catfish can be found in deep water next to submerged trees and structure. Live bait, such as green sunfish, and artificial lures are two types of fishing to try. There have been reports of flathead catfish being caught up to 30 lbs. 
Crappie  Good 6-10" The crappie population has a slightly improved size structure with fish sampled up to 13". There is a 2021 year class of Black Crappie that are reaching lengths up to 12 inches, a 2022 year class of Black Crappie that are up to 9 inches, and another 2023 year class of Black Crappie that are 4 inches. This is a good sign for the future, as Black Crappie are growing. The majority of the white crappie that anglers may find at the end of their line will be in the 8-10" size range. Please consider harvesting your daily creel limit of 50 crappie per day to help reduce numbers of White Crappie and open up space for the year classes of Black Crappie to grow. Anglers should try live minnows under a bobber, jigs with a twister tail, and streamers with a fly rod. 
Largemouth bass  Good 15-21"

Largemouth bass densities and size structure are improved, since being infected with LMBV (Largemouth Bass Virus) in 2007. Strong year classes in the 8-12" size category indicate good numbers that haven't been as prominent since 2005. Quality fish up to 21" were sampled and anglers will benefit from the improved numbers and quality of largemouth bass in Crawford State Lake. Anglers should focus on coves and jetties using a variety of methods, which include spinnerbaits, top-water lures, plastic lures, and jerkbaits. An often overlooked method, the "Ned Rig" can also be utilized during all times of the year, but specifically in the summer months, when largemouth bass don't seem as willing to bite other types of lures.

Largemouth bass phase II advanced fingerlings have been stocked in 2020 (7,500 fingerlings), 2021 (3,750 fingerlings) 2022 (3,890 fingerlings), 2023 (7,500 fingerlings), and 2024 (7,500 fingerlings - 6/4/2024). The KDWP Fisheries Biologist plans to continue to request phase II advanced fingerling stockings for the next two years to help bolster current year classes of largemouth bass. This will be evaluated through fin clips to assess genetics to realize stock contribution to the fishery. In conjunction with the stocking, cedar trees will be added to the lake to enhance spawning, refuge, and forage structure near shore for largemouth bass to flourish.  

General Comments

Water Temperature: 61° F, November 15, 2024

Be sure to Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat, bait buckets, and recreational watercraft before and after launching your boat. It is required by law to remove your drain plug on your watercraft upon departure to drain live wells and water inside of your boat; it will protect our natural resources in Kansas for current anglers and future generations to enjoy. Be sure to stay up to date on information regarding Aquatic Nuisance Species. Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water!

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism fisheries staff recently undertook a project to produce lake maps, or bathymetric maps, for public waters statewide. The lake map for Crawford State Fishing Lake can be found at the following link: link will provide you with a link for all bathymetric lake maps for the state of Kansas. Scroll down to find Crawford State Fishing Lake. This will allow for anglers to view the depths of the lake to choose different habitats and lake depths to fish for different species, year-round. You will also find current GPS locations of habitat structures placed by KDWPT fisheries staff to easily input into your sonar unit, or find if you are fishing from shore. 

If you would like to provide a fishing report for Crawford State Fishing Lake, don't hesitate to contact Connor Ossowski, District Fisheries Biologist, at (620) 231-3173.

CRITZER LAKE - Last Updated: 9/6/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Largemouth Bass Excellent 13 to 18 inches with a few at 23 inches Some larger fish available, best luck with dark colored jip n pigs, plastic worms, crank baits in close to cover.  The majority of fish are in the 12 inch to 6 pound range.  In 2021 a 9.88 was caught and released.
Smallmouth Bass Poor 13 to 15" A limited fishery exists some are taken on jigs, spinners, along the dam and rocky areas.
Channel Catfish Good 15" to 8 pounds This is a good catfish population with a lot of fish in the 3 pounds and up to 15 pounds range. Use cut shad, cut sunfish, worms, liver, prepared baits, lakewide or along the piers along the parking lot. The fish feeder is back ON.  The storm sank the old feeder and had to find a replacement.
Crappie Slow any size Sampling indicates good numbers of nice fish (9 to 12 inches) use minnows and milky white, pink jigs in 12 ft. East half of lake is better. 
Walleye/Saugeye Poor most between 12 to 17 inches  Some are taken on jigs tipped with worms, spinners, dam and upper creek channel
General Comments
This is a great kayak or small craft lake.  This is a fishing only lake, no recreational boating.
Water levels are good and the boat ramp has plenty of water.    
In the spring there were 200,000 saugeye fry stocked to spice up the fishing.

This is a great Kayak or small craft lake.  Critzer Lake is one of Kansas' newest lakes and was opened to fishing in August of 2011. Many anglers use kayaks or tubes to float into the cover and are very successful. There is a double lane boat ramp. The floating dock is finished and compliments this great fishing lake.  The lake is primarily a boat lake but there is shoreline access east of the boatramp where anglers can set up on the two piers and be very close to the parking lot. This 220 acre lake offers 180 acres of standing timber so there is a no-wake speed limit.

There is a second, smaller access area located at the south west part of the lake, from 800 rd. and Gorman, north 1/4 mile.  This area makes it easier for anglers in small craft to launch and paddle/fish the more timbered areas. There is a parking lot and gravel ramp and provides shoreline angling also. 

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and  Linn Valley Lake, this is a private lake community, we'd like to remind you to stay aware and take all precautions necessary to prevent the spread into uncontaminated waters! This includes cleaning and rinsing your boat and motor, trailer, and equipment, draining any excess water from previous outings, and allowing your boat to dry before using it in a different body of water. 


We have improved the area with a floating dock, located just west of the boat ramp.

For tips on spring bass fishing watch this KDWPT video at the following link! 

Check out this video from Brent Chapman fishing for bass in Critzer Lake! 

ELK CITY RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 9/16/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Crappie Good 8-14" Crappie fishing is good.  Look for fish to be deeper up by the dam or near the river channel in the reservoir.  Vertical jigging has been working best.
Blue and channel catfish Fair 18-30" Catfishing has been slow.  Look for fish to be more actively feeding during the evening and night.   Drifting the flats should produce some fish. Shad has been working best.
White Bass Fair 10-14" The white bass fishing has been slow.  Look for white bass near the dam.   Plastic swim baits have been working best.
Outlet Fair 12-20" Fishing has slowed as release has stopped.   
The Blue Catfish regulation has passed and now is in effect.  The new regulation allows 10/day with only 1 fish greater than 30 inches.
Water Level

Current water levels and discharge can be viewed HERE.

District Newsletter

We have created a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that subscribe to it. This newsletter is for fishing information for the Independence District (Chautauqua, Labette, Montgomery, and Wilson counties) only.

Youth/Mentor Pond

The Elk City State Park Youth/Mentor pond is now open. The pond is open to anglers 15 and younger as well as their mentor. A mentor may take more than one youth fishing, but only one mentor may fish per youth they accompany. Two channel catfish can be harvested daily, but largemouth bass are catch and release only. See the park office for more information.

FALL RIVER RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 11/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
channel catfish good

0% 11"-16"

30% 16"-24"

40% 24"-28"

30% 28"-36"

Use a worm, stink bait, or shad sides in channel.   
crappie good

53% 5"- 8"

31% 8"-10"

13% 10"-12"

2% 12"-15"

Use a jig or minnow on main lake rocky shorelines and dam.
white bass good

11% 6"- 9"

34% 9"-12"

26% 12"-15"

29% 15"-18"

Throw an imitation shad or spinner on rocky shore or channel break.
General Comments:

Link to USACE reservoir water level:

Size structures listed are from 2024 October test netting. 

To view a map of brush piles in Fall River Reservoir and the old sunken Ladd Bridge in the river, copy this file into Google Earth and zoom into the reservoir.

For more information about the Fall River Fisheries District, click here to access newsletters.

FT. SCOTT LAKE - Last Updated: 9/6/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
largemouth and spotted bass Excellent varies try spinners, shad imitating crank baits, or soft plastic baits close to fish structure, the side of weed beds and along rocky points. 
channel and flathead Excellent varies, some very nice There is a good population of channel catfish, many around 3-4 pounds.  Fish are lakewide, best with cut shad, sponge baits, worms. Recent fish population sampling indicates a great population of channel catfish in the 2 - 5 pound range. Fish the South end where creek comes in during or after a rain.  We recently stocked 1,000 larger channel catfish into this lake. 
walleye/saugeye Slow varies use dark jigs and crankbaits, along flats and drop-offs.  most fish are above the 18 inch length limit.
crappie Slow varies, many over 11 inches Most fish are caught in the south end, especially around edges and along deeper water breaks.  There are a high percentage of fish over 10 inches.  Try black and white jigs under a float. 
bluegill Slow varies use small baits, such as worms, jigs suspended under a float, in deeper water
General Comments

 Ft Scott Lake has boat ramps and several docks and good shoreline access for fishing.  This lake has great shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out, for social distancing. The lake has a good reputation for producing good stringers of channel catfish.  Channel catfish from the rearing pond are stocked into this lake each fall.  

Recent tree/habitat placements, In 2014, 2015 and 2016, 2017,2020 about 900 xmas trees were placed at each end of the dam and along the east side.  The tree placement along the dam are very accessible for shoreline anglers.  This project will improve angler success for bass and crappie.   

Recently there were 3,500 channel catfish stocked to spice up the fishing.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and Linn Valley, Linn County, (Private Lake Development), we'd like to remind you to "CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY" all watercraft before and after entering this lake.

 Remember- Wear a Lifejacket and Reach - Throw - Don t Go. Buy your state fishing license and have fun. Please remember the special length/creel limits.

Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats, trailers and equipment.

Sign up for the Mound City Fishing District Newsletter today!

For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWPT video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

This is a Community Fisheries Assistance Lake Cooperator,no city permits for fishing and boating while fishing. City permit required for recreational boating.

Great Kansas Fishing Derby May 15 to Sept 15  Visit for more info; Tagged Fish - Channel Catfish

GARNETT NORTH - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Crappie Fair-Good 8-14 inches  Look for them along the deeper ledges near woody structure. Jigs and plastics or jigs tipped with minnows. Recent sampling shows good numbers of fish over 10"
Channel catfish Fair-Good 8-30 inches Livers, shad sides, or other prepared baits along ledges or windy banks. Don't be afraid to fish shallow.
Largemouth Bass Good up to 5lbs. Spinnerbaits, vibrating jigs, or crankbaits should produce in shallow water around structure. Utilize the Texas rig or wacky rig if the fish need something slower. "Hover Strolling" with a jighead and minnow shaped plastic paired with Live Sonar units are very effective during fall and winter. The length limit was changed to a 15"-21" protected slot limit. You are encouraged to harvest all bass under 15" to improve the population.
Wipers Fair up to 6 lbs Chicken livers or shad imitating baits such as crankbaits, spinnerbaits, rattletraps, soft jerkbaits, fished around wind blown banks and dropoffs. 
General Comments

Please remember to help STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS! CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY your boat and livewell when leaving water bodies. 

Four Georgia Cube Fish Attractors were placed by the fishing dock (2on the East end and 2 on the West end) on the north end of the lake. 


GARNETT SOUTH - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Methods, and Location
Current Fishing Opportunity      
Largemouth Bass Fair-Good up to 5lbs. Moving baits such as spinnerbaits, vibrating jigs, crankbaits, or swimbaits should produce.
Bluegill Fair up to 8 inches Small jigs or flies, also bobber with a worm. Good numbers of 6-7" fish are available. 
Channel Catfish Fair 8-24 inches chicken livers, cut bait or other prepared bait lakewide.
Crappie Fair 6-10 inches Throwing 1/8oz jighead with small plastic minnow or creature bait under a bobber around any structural element should produce some fish. You also can't go wrong with live minnows. 
Rainbow Trout     Season starts December 1, 2024 and goes thru March 31, 2025. A trout permit is required for all anglers regardless of species angler is fishing for.


Please remember to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY your boats and livewells to help stop the spread of ANS species.

JOHN REDMOND RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Size Rating Bait, Method, Location
Channel Catfish up to 20lbs. Fair-Good Drifting various baits such as night crawlers, chicken livers, cut bait, or other prepared baits along the windy side of the lake.
Blue Catfish up to 30 lbs. Good Fishing along wind blown flats or in the dredged cut. Fresh cut bait usually works best. Lots of fish in 3-10lb. range with some bigger.NEW BLUE CATFISH REGULATIONS HAVE BEEN PASSED. ANGLERS MAY NOW KEEP 10 BLUE CATFISH/DAY WITH 1 FISH OVER 30".
White Bass up to 3lbs. Fair  Fish will be concentrated near rocky habitat and wind blown banks. Using small spinners, crankbaits, swimbaits or hair jigs should work. Topwater baits may work around fish surfacing eating shad.
Crappie up to 15" Fair Look for schools around the brush piles in deeper water or out in front of the dam. 

Comments -   Fishing below the dam during low to moderate releases can be real productive for multiple species.


Brush Pile Coordinates:

N 38o 14.743'
W 95 o 45.998'

N 38 14.658'
W 95o 46.138'

N 38o 14.419'
W 95o 46.767'

N 38o 14.256'
W 95o 46.423'

N 38o 14.722'
W 95o 45.641'

N 38o 14.811'
W 95o 45.694'

N 38o 14.922'
W 95o 45.715'

N 38o 15.222'
W 95o 45.728'

Fishing below the dam during low to moderate releases should be good for most species.

 For current lake level and release information click the following link

ALERT! This lake contains Zebra Mussels please help stop the spread Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat and equipment after leaving this water body. It is Illegal transport live fish, bait, and water from this lake.

LA CYGNE RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Channel, blue and flathead catfish, Excellent all sizes,  This lake supports good fishing for big blue cats, good channel channel and flatheads.  Good baits are worm, frozen shad or liver, Sunfish or cut shad, prepared baits.  Fishing at the hot water outlet maybe tooo hot, move away until you find favorable water temperatures.  Lots of fish collect there. Some blue catfish have been caught that are over 80 pounds.  Catfishing can be very good just about anywhere along the shoreline.  
Crappie Good 9 - 12 inches Fish the downwind side.  Sampling and angler reports indicate that there are still alot of good crappie here, most in the 10-12 inch range.  Best lures to use are jigs/ minnows, near structure.  
Largemouth Bass Good varies but 16 to 20 inches is common Use surface plugs or plastic worms along the rip rap and shoreline along shaded areas.  Fish are in pre spawn patterns.  Recent bass tournaments have weighed in several bass over 9 pounds.
White bass Good varies, some almost 2  pounds  Use shad imitations, silver spoons.  Most of the fish caught in the area of the hot water outlet have been the 1 to 2 pound range.  Fish the creek mouth where the fresh water comes in and the fish are stacked up.  
Wiper Slow some up to 12 pounds Most fish are in the 4 - 6 pound range with a few larger.  Find surface gizzard shad and fish close to the shad.  
Carp Slow all sizes newly flooded shoreline cover using dough baits
General Comments

Call the Linn County Park at 913-757-6633.  The water level is great, just a little murky.  The fish are waiting for you. Remember La Cygne Lake is a great fishery and it is a part of a working electrical generating plant, pay attention to the warning signs and don't trespass over the cables.   Overall the lake supports a good crappie, bass and catfish populations.  This is a fishing or hunting only lake, whereas recreational boating is not allowed.  

BASSMASTERS has recognized LA CYGNE RESERVOIR in its TOP 10 bass lakes of the Midwest.  We know La Cygne  Reservoir is a great bass lake but its nice to receive this type of recognition from Bassmasters.  For more information check out these two sites.

For information on the Linn County Marina boat ramps call 913 757-6633.  Fishing at La Cygne produces a mixed bag of fish from big blue, channel or flathead catfish, to white bass and wipers or crappie and largemouth bass. Good shoreline angler access is provided by the Linn County Park on the west side of the lake.

HOT WATER ACCESS. On the east side of the lake access to the hot water return, where a lot of fish are caught when its cold, is: at 69 HWY and Ks HWY 152, go east and drive across the dam on E.2200 Rd., turn north at Young Rd. and go West at E. 2400 Rd. to the parking lot.  Anglers walk from the parking lot west on the path to the hot water return area. But this is a great place to fish.  

This lake has had a reproducing blue catfish population for many years, fingerling blue cats were stocked this fall to supplement that population. Another goal for this lake is to improve blue cat angling.

 Call the Linn County Park at 913-757-6633 for more information or camping, and cabins reservations.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake and Linn Valley Private Lake, we'd like to remind you to stay aware and take all precautions necessary to prevent the spread into uncontaminated waters! This includes cleaning and rinsing your boat, motor, trailer and equipment, draining any excess water from previous outings, and allowing your boat to dry before using it in a different body of water. 

Get the family, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats, trailers and equipment. Don't move water from any lake.

Habitat improvement and shoreline enhancement continue to improve by adding Georgia cubes.  I have added Georgia cubes to several areas to enhance angling especially along shoreline areas.  The gps coordinates are:

Location La Cygne Reservoir

Habitat                                longititude             latititude              description    date

hot water weir                   N 38 22.852           W 094 39.112      13 cubes       2017                 
big bass spot                     N 38 22.420           W 094 39.643      3   cubes       2017 

LYON STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 11/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Bluegill and Redear good

38% 4-7"

36% 7-9"

26% 9-11"

Use worm, small jig, or small silver spinner or spoon around brush piles and rock jetties.   
Channel Catfish good

5% 11-16"

81% 16-24"

5% 24-28"

5% 28-36"

Use worms or shad sides in channel and deep brush piles. 
Largemouth Bass good

27% 8-12"

38% 12-15"

36% 15-20"

0% >20"

Use spinners, jigs, or worms around brush piles and channel breaks. 
Crappie good

20% 5-8"

20% 8-10"

32% 10-12"

27% 12-15"

Use small jig or minnow around deep brush piles and channel breaks.
Saugeye fair

0% 9-14"

50% 14-18"

25% 18-22"

25% 22-27" 

Use a jig and worm on channel breaks. 
General Comments

ATTENTION!  This lake has zebra mussels.  Live fish may not be transported away from this lake.  Clean, drain, and dry all boats.

Size structure listed for largemouth bass is from May 2024 electrofishing. The size structures listed for crappie, bluegill, redear, and channel catfish are from November 2024 fall test netting.

To view a map of brush pile and habitat cube locations, copy these files into Google Earth and zoom into the lake.  

LYSL habitat cubes (OCTET-STREAM 979 B)
LYSL brush piles 21 (OCTET-STREAM 2.22 kB)

For more information about the Fall River/Toronto Fisheries District, click here to access newsletters.

MARAIS DES CYGNES WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
blue, flathead, channel catfish Slow varies fish in the river are concentrated below riffles, stink baits, cut shad, liver, live bluegill
white bass/wipers Slow varies minnows, jigs, work the pools below the rifles,
crappie slow varies on the river use jigs just below riffles
carp, buffalo slow but could improve with more river flow. varies fishing or bowfishing can be good to excellent when wildlife pools are draining or the river is flooding.                                              
General Comments

Access to the river can be challenging.

The marais des cygnes river flow varies but could produce some good fishing opportunities. Several reports about good bluecat caught on cut bait or shad with trotlines or rod n reel.

The river and streams on the state wildlife area are open to fishing. The Marias des Cygnes River is a great place to float and fish.  

Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing.

Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment. The Marais des Cygnes River is confirmed to contain zebra mussels.  Please take extra precaution by not removing fish and placing them in another body of water (bait fish included), and cleaning, draining, and drying boats motors trailers and all equipment before entering another body of water.  This helps prevent the spread to unc

MELVERN RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 10/21/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
White Crappie Good up to 15 inches Crappie can be found on brush piles and timber in 6 - 20 ft.  Crappie may move into shallower areas at dusk to feed.  Jig and small plastics or minnows will produce bites.  
White Bass Good up to 16 inches White Bass are can be found in the river channels or along the dam 20+ ft.  Jigging spoons, plastics, and deep running crankbait will produce bites.  
Walleye/Saugeye/Sauger Good 15-20 inches Walleye can be found on mudflats or rocky shorelines in 10-20ft. Jigs with plastics or crankbaits are producing bites. Walleye may move into shallower areas at dawn and dusk to feed. 
Catfish Good up to 40lbs.
Catfish can be found near river channels and wind-blown shorelines. Cut shad is producing the most bites. 
Black Bass Good 1-5 lb Bass can be found on rocky shorelines and main lake points in 6 - 10 ft.  Crayfish imitations or crankbaits will produce bites.   
General Comments


Fishing conditions have improved now that fall has set in and water temperatures are cooling.  The afternoon bite is often better compared to the morning.  Target shallow rocky areas that warm quickly.  Deep channels and dropoffs can be productive in the morning. 


10 fish daily creel limit, only 1 fish 30" or longer

Fisheries biologists continue to study Kansas blue catfish and the research is showing reservoirs with lower population densities exhibit the best growth rates which equates to greater numbers of larger fish available to anglers. Growth rates of blue catfish are variable across Kansas. Time required for a blue catfish to reach 30 inches is as short as 8 years at Tuttle Creek Reservoir to as long as 14 years at El Dorado Reservoir. Due to the time required to grow to larger sizes, these older and larger fish are quite valuable. Angler harvest is necessary to provide desired densities and harvest should be focused upon smaller blue catfish, especially those in the 18 to 25 inch range while releasing the larger fish to fight again.

Water level and discharge:

Current conditions can be found at:

Invasive Species

Melvern Reservoir has Zebra Mussels.  Remember to clean, drain, and dry your watercraft to prevent the spread of invasive species. 

MINED LAND WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 2/4/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Panfish  Good   Up to 9"                                                 Bluegill, Warmouth and Redear Sunfish up to 9 inches are common on the strip-mined lakes on the Mined Land Wildlife Area. Focus your efforts around structure, slopes, and shallow water at the ends of the strip-mined lakes. Worms under a slip bobber, or 1/16 jigs will be a good bet to try. Casting parallel to shore or the ends are good locations along vegetation. Fly fishing opportunities are also present; hook sizes of 10-12 with a floating fly or popper may yield fish up to 8 inches. 
Channel Catfish  Good  Up to 32" Try cut bait, chicken liver, shrimp, or prepared baits. Slip bobbers with worms, stink bait, or live/cut bait along the slopes of the strip-mined lakes or where depth contours change may yield channel catfish that may be suspended in the warmer water. Channel catfish are stocked each fall on the Mined Land Wildlife Area and fish up to 30 pounds may be present. The state record continues to be held from a public strip-mined lake on the Mined Land Wildlife Area. Shoreline opportunity is limited - boat ramp areas are good areas to try. 
Crappie  Good   8-12" Crappie can be found throughout the different units on the wildlife area. Try minnows, small jigs, or small spinners fished around brush and structure. Boat and kayak anglers may have luck trolling deeper water and cove habitats as well. Units where crappie have been reported to be caught recently and for anglers to focus on for crappie would be the following units: 1, 7, 8, 11, 24, 33, 34, 40, 41, 44, 45 
Largemouth Bass  Good   8-22" Largemouth bass can be found in many of the strip pits. Focus your efforts around aquatic vegetation, slopes, beaver dams or any terrestrial or aquatic structure, and shallow water. Many of the strip pits have quality populations. However, there are many with an abundance of 8-12" fish. Consider keeping your daily creel limit of 5 largemouth bass under the protected slot limit (i.e., 13 - 18 inches) to reduce densities to allow for better growth in the strip pits. Many strip pits have quality largemouth bass populations up to 22 inches. 1/2 oz weedless jigs, ned rigs, bladed jigs, and drop shots thrown parallel to the shore along the slope will be a good technique to try. 
Rainbow trout  Good  10-15"

2024/2025 Trout Stocking Schedule for Unit #30 "Trout Pit" for Trout Season (December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025)

1,545 Rainbow Trout (1030 lbs) Stocked November 19, 2024

1,120 Rainbow Trout (800 lbs) Stocked December 2, 2024

1,859 Rainbow Trout (1430 lbs) Stocked December 26, 2024

1,859 Rainbow trout (1430 lbs) Stocked February 3, 2025

February 19, 2025

Rainbow trout are stocked each winter in Unit #30 in the "Trout Pit". The rainbow trout average 1.1 per pound in 2023, so larger rainbow trout will be available for trout anglers. Recent reports using powerbait under a slip bobber set at 6-8' has yielded rainbow trout, as well as corn, worms, and inline spinner lures. 

Remember anglers -- A trout permit is required to be able to fish on the "Trout Pit" on Unit #30 during the trout season (December 1-March 31). Rainbow trout & Brown Trout are managed under a combined daily creel limit of five fish. 

Directions to the Trout Pit (Unit #30) are as follows: 8 miles south of the McCune turn off on Highway 400 on  NW 100th St. and a half mile to the west on NW Lawton Rd. OR  5 miles west of West Mineral on NW Scammon Rd., 4 miles south on NW 100th St. and a half mile to the west on NW Lawton Rd.

Walleye  Fair  18-21" Walleye have been stocked on the Mined Land Wildlife Area in Units 7, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, and 44 to provide an additional species and angling opportunity on the wildlife area. The units and strip-mined lakes that have been stocked with walleye provide adequate habitat with deeper water and cooler water temperatures. Trolling and vertical jigging techniques will be a good technique to try. 
Wiper (Striped bass x White bass hybrid)  Fair  15-20" Wiper are stocked on the Mined Land Wildlife Area in Unit #21. Stockings have occurred since 2007. Techniques to try would be to vertical jig spoons and jigs, trolling with Rapalas and spoons, and casting jigs, spoons, and spinning baits. Other opportunities would be to try a slip bobber with live bait, or chicken liver has been reported to yield a few fish. 
Water Levels     The pits are low, due to drought - week of 10/28. The Scammon Units are still low in sections. Ramps to use at your own caution are Unit 34, North "E Pit" on Unit 33, Unit 32, Unit 38 (East ramp), Unit 42 "H Pit" are those impacted by low water. Always check water levels and ramps before launching. Low water levels can be a benefit to the fish populations by concentrating smaller bluegill and crappie to predatory fish, such as largemouth bass, channel catfish, wipers, and walleye.
General Comments

Water Temperature: 62 F, November 15, 2024

Bathymetric maps are now available for the Mined Land Wildlife Area strip pits. This is an ongoing effort by the District Fisheries Biologist, so new pits will be added on a weekly basis. The bathymetric maps that show how deep the strip pits are and water contours can be viewed at the following link: The free Explorer GIS app can also be downloaded to use when you're out fishing from your mobile phone, or tablet. This has the ability to use your location to use similar to a depth finder while you're fishing. You can search in your Android, or iPhone, app store for "Explorer GIS", once it is installed you can search for "2020 KDWPT Fishing Access". This will allow for view while you're out fishing. Good luck!  

Habitat improvements through the use of hinge-cutting, cedar trees, and "Georgia Cubes" will be placed throughout the unique strip pits on Mined Land Wildlife Area. Angler input is welcomed. If you have individual strip pits that you'd like to see habitat improvements made, please contact Connor Ossowski, District Fisheries Biologist, at (620) 231-3173. These will be advertised on the KDWPT website at the following link: Fish attractors and habitat additions have been placed on the Mined Land Wildlife Area and the GPS coordinates can be found at the link provided in the previous sentence as well. 

Aquatic Nuisance Species Alert: Be on the look out for Eurasian Watermilfoil if you're fishing on the Mined Land Wildlife Area. This aquatic nuisance plant is present and abundant on multiple strip pits on the Mined Land Wildlife Area. The plant can reproduce rapidly and develop dense mats that don't allow for other beneficial aquatic plants to grow. Please remember to Clean, Drain, and Dry your kayak, boat, boat trailer, and bait buckets. It is required by law to remove your drain plug before leaving any body of water. Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water.  Please discard leftover bait in a trash can.

If you would like to provide a fishing report for the Mined Land Wildlife Area, don't hesitate to contact Connor Ossowski, District Fisheries Biologist, at (620) 231-3173.


Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Channel Catfish Good 14-24" Catfishing remains good. Catfish have been being caught in shallows in the evenings and early mornings.  Shad sides have been working best.
Largemouth Bass Good 8-18" Largemouth bass fishing has improved.  Look for fish to move into the shallows on the edge of the water willow during the cool mornings.  Swim baits imitating shad have been working best.
Crappie Fair 8-12" Crappie fishing has been steady.  Look for fish in the deeper brush piles.  Minnows or small jigs have been working best.
Bluegill/Redear Sunfish Good 6-8" Bluegill and redear fishing remains good.  Look for fish to be on the edge of the water willow during cool mornings. Jigs tipped with a worm have been working best.
General Comments

A bathymetric map is available for Montgomery State Fishing Lake at the link above.

District Newsletter

We have created a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that subscribe to it. This newsletter is for fishing information for the Independence District (Chautauqua, Labette, Montgomery, and Wilson counties) only.

MOUND CITY LAKE - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, &amp Location
Channel Catfish Excellent Size varies but most are much larger than the 15 inch length limit, with some large fish The fish feeders are OFF for the season, but there are lots of channel catfish attracted to this area. The shoreline around the feeders has recently been improved to be nicer for families to fish. The water level is good.  The boatramp is open.  This lake produces many good channel catfish.  Try stink baits, chicken liver, cut shad or chunks of sunfish. The lake supports high numbers of 2 to 8 pounders.  The creek in the south end maybe excellent right after a hard rain. We recently stocked channel catfish to expand the population.  
Bluegill/Redear Sunfish Good varies Use small baits, jigs or small worm under a float set for shallow water, fish maybe in shallow.  Fish around the fish feeder also as there are alot of fish hanging out there.  
Crappie Slow 8 to 14 inches some larger Lots of crappie have been caught this season.  Try habitat, such as brushpiles. Recent sampling indicates that majority of crappie are in the 10 inch range with some fish in the 13 to 15 inch ranges.  Minnows and dark jigs are best.   
Largemouth Bass Excellent varies A great population.  There are many fish in the 3+ range.  Recent sampling indicates a good population with majority of fish 14 to 19 inches.  Try  plastics, jig and Pig, slab, try along the rock, trees and timber
General Comments

This is a great fishing lake, a good boat ramp and floating dock.  Kayak or small craft lake are welcome for fishing. This lake is for fishing only, recreational boating, jet skis, water skiing is not allowed.   The fish feeders are ON.  This lake has great shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out, for social distancing.  Water level is good and clear.  Go fishing, the fish have to eat.  The catfish and crappie are very nice this year.  Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats, trailers and equipment.

Mound City Lake has a great reputation for producing good stringers of crappie this season.  Best baits are dark colored jigs and minnows, mainly around underwater structure.  Largemouth bass numbers have really improved and continues to produce great fishing.  

Recently there were 2,000 channel catfish stocked to spice up the fishing.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and Linn Valley, Linn County, (Private Lake Development)

This is a fishing only lake, no recreational boating.
The City of Mound City in cooperation with Wildlife and Parks are constructing a fishing trail along the west side of the lake.  This will improve shoreline angling access. Call Don George, Management Biologist with questions, 913-795-2218.
 For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWP video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

NEOSHO RIVER AT CHETOPA DAM - Last Updated: 6/21/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Paddlefish Poor   Paddlefish season has closed.
General Comments

•Catch and release is allowed on the Neosho River

•A fish must be kept if placed on a stringer. Culling is not allowed.

•A state-issued permit is required. Two paddlefish may be harvested daily and six may be harvested in a season.

•Barbless hooks are required at Chetopa.

The best fishing occurs at river flows of 10-15,000 cubic feet per second. The following link will take you to the Kansas Water Watch website. Click HERE for river flow data.

NEOSHO STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Species Rating Size   Baits, Method & Location
Bluegill                                                                  Good Up to 9" Bluegill may be caught with a bobber and small jig, or small hook and worm. The access jetties are good locations of recent reports where bluegill have been caught by anglers using bobber and a worm. In recent fish surveys, bluegill showed an improved size structure of 6-8 inch year classes. 
Warmouth Fair Up to 9" Warmouth are a species that many anglers aren't aware of, but they're another species for fishing opportunity. Anglers can find warmouth primarily near rocky habitats, such as jetties and on dam, similar to green sunfish. The same tactics for bluegill and redear sunfish can be used to catch warmouth, such as a small hook tipped with a worm under a bobber, fly rod with small flies, and 1/16-1/32 ounce jigs. 
Channel catfish  Good Up to 28"  Channel catfish can be found in the shallows on the upper and lower ends of the lake. Boat anglers can focus their efforts on the flats of 4-8', coves, and the brushpiles located on the southwest corner of the lake. Shoreline anglers can focus their efforts on the rock jetties throughout the entire lake, however the jetties on the southwest side of the lake are in close proximity of brushpiles that may congregate channel catfish. Prepared baits, shrimp, chicken liver, and cut bait will be options to try. 
Flathead catfish Fair Up to 28" Flathead catfish can be caught on live bait, or fresh cut bait, near brushpiles and flats. Flathead catfish will move up to the shallows in the morning, evening, and at night, so fishing off the jetties will be your best bet. 
Crappie    Good Up to 12" Anglers can focus their effort on brushpiles, which are located on the lower end on the southwest corner of the lake, drop offs and changes in depth located in close proximity to jetties, and coves. Crappie will congregate near structure. 1/8-1/16 ounce jigs with twister tails or tipped with a minnow, live minnows, worms, and small spinners are all good baits to try. In recent fish surveys, crappie continue to show an improved size structure of 8-10-inch year classes. 
Largemouth Bass  Good Up to 22"                     Anglers have reported catching 1-3 lb Largemouth Bass on white bladed jigs, spinnerbaits, and top water lures. Recent sampling has indicated a much improved high quality and high density population. This is in result of recent water level management and habitat addition efforts. Anglers can focus on jetties, if fishing from the shore, where brushpiles are in close proximity. Anglers fishing from boat can target brushpile habitat. Fishing access jetties are located on all sides of the lake. Baits to use include spinnerbaits, bladed jigs, jigs, top-water lures, and plastics are recommended options for anglers.  
General Comment

Water Temperature: 60° F, November 15, 2024

Be sure to Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat, bait buckets, and recreational watercraft before and after launching your boat. It is required to remove your drain plug on your watercraft upon departure to drain live wells and water inside of your boat; it will protect our natural resources in Kansas for current anglers and future generations to enjoy. Be sure to stay up to date on information regarding Aquatic Nuisance Species. Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water. Please discard leftover bait in a trash can.

If you would like to provide a fishing report for Neosho State Fishing Lake, don't hesitate to contact Connor Ossowski, District Fisheries Biologist, at (620) 231-3173.

OSAGE STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 7/12/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Bluegill/Redear Sunfish Good  Up to 10 inches Sunfish can be found near aquatic vegetation.  Bigger sunfish will be on the outside weed lines.  Worms or small lures will produce bites 
Channel catfish Good 0.5-5 lbs Catfish can be caught using stink bait, worms, or cut bait. 
Crappie Fair up to 12 inches Crappie can be caught on deep weed edges and brush piles.  Minnows and small jigs will produce bites
White Bass/Wiper Good up to 5lbs. In late evening or early morning, look for white bass chasing shad schools and breaking the surface.  Cast top water baits to the schools. 
Largemouth bass Good 0.5-3 lbs Bass can be found near aquatic vegetation edges.  Larger bass will be on the outside weed lines.  Soft plastic baits will produce bites.  Topwater baits fished during dawn and dusk can be effective.  
General Comments

Invasive species: 

Zebra Mussels and Curley-leaf pondweed are present.  Lake users should clean, drain and dry fishing equipment and boats to prevent the spread.


20,000 Wiper fry were stocked in May 2024.  Wiper provide predatory control on Gizzard Shad.  Too many shad can reduce survival of young of year sportfish species that compete for similar resources. 

3,500 Channel Catfish were stocked in October 2023.

Most recent fisheries survey:

Bass and sunfish populations were surveyed in May 2024.  Both populations are healthy and reproduce naturally.  Largemouth Bass up to 18-20 inches, weighing 5-6lbs are present. 

PLEASANTON CITY LAKE EAST - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, &Location
Wipers Fair size varies,   Majority of fish are in the 3 to 5 pound range. Use spoons, crank baits are good, use shad imitations.
Channel catfish Excellent All sizes, This lake has a good catfish population and produces nice fish. The fish feeders are OFF for the season.  Anglers commonly catch fish in the 2- 7 pound range, with some over 10 pounds. Best baits are bluegill chunks, worms, liver, traditional chicken liver, shrimp, prepared baits, lake wide.  Gear up for these big channels.  We recently restocked  channel catfish.   
Largemouth bass Excellent varies lots of bass with a balanced population. try dropoffs, and the weed bed habitat.  Try using silver or blue crank baits or soft baits.   Lots of bass in the 12 to 15 inch range. 
Walleye/Saugeye Slow 18-24 inches This population is improving in number and quality. 
White Crappie Slow 8-14 inches The crappie are improving and are in the 8 inch to 15 inches long. Fish moving in shallow.  Use pink, blue/white tube or green jigs, minnows. After a rain, Fish the creek mouth where the fresh water comes in and the fish are stacked up.
General Comment

This is a great Kayak or small boat lake.  This is a GREAT FAMILY FISHING LAKE.  The best way to measure social distancing is with a fishing pole.  The best time to fish is anytime you can. This lake has great shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out, for social distancing.  his is a great kayaking while you are fishing lake, no recreational boating.  Have the lake to yourself. 

There are good crappie here.  This lake has a high density of largemouth bass, great fishing for kids! Also, keep in mind that there is a decent wiper population.  The channel cat population in this lake is doing well, and during our sampling we saw a few walleye and saugeye, as well as some sizeable flatheads.  Channel catfish, are stocked in mid October to increase fishing opportunities.   This will supplement the population and maintain fishing opportunities.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and (Private) Linn Valley Lake in Linn County, we'd like to remind you to stay aware and take all precautions necessary to prevent the spread into uncontaminated waters! This includes cleaning and rinsing your boat and motor, trailer, and equipment, draining any excess water from previous outings, and allowing your boat to dry before using it in a different body of water. 

Sign up for the Mound City Fishing District Newsletter today! Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment. Don't move water from any impoundment. 

For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWPT video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

This lake is enrolled into the Community Fisheries Assistance Program. A city fishing permit is no longer required. Remember- Wear a Lifejacket and Reach - Throw - Don t Go.

PLEASANTON CITY LAKE WEST - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
channel catfish Excellent Size varies, some up to 8 pounds The fish feeders are OFF for the season. Catfish fishing can be fantastic. Use cut shad or sunfish or best on chicken liver, shrimp, worms, prepared baits, along dam, lots of fat fish from 2 - 6 pounds.  This lake is a great channel catfish lake with great shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out, for social distancing. Gearup for these big channel catfish.  We recently restocked this lake so the catfish numbers are even higher.  
crappie Slow All sizes Density and quality of fish is good.  Most about 9 inches with some in the 12 inch range. Because of the lake design and habitat placements, most fish are accessible from the shoreline. Fish with jigs, blue /white, minnows,
largemouth bass Excellent 12-23 inches water levels are good and lots of fish in the 2 to 4 pound range.  Use crank baits or spinners, recent sampling shows many bass over 3 pounds. 
bluegill Slow varies Most fish are under 8 inches. use a small worm or jig under a float.
General Comments

A grant from Ks. Wildlife and Parks has funded a floating dock that has been placed on the north shore adjacent to the shelter house.  This enhancement will greatly improve fishing opportunities for families and physically challenged anglers.   Its great weather for fishing. This is a great kayak or small craft lake.  This is a fishing only lake, no recreational boating.

The best way to measure social distancing is with a fishing pole.   The fish feeders are OFF for the season. This lake has great shoreline angling, lots of room to spread out, for social distancing.    Water levels are good. Best time to fish is anytime you can.   Pleasanton West Lake produces a quality bass and channel catfish fishery.  Largemouth bass, overall are in very good condition and health. Try your luck with roadrunners, jigs, and spinners for these sizeable fish!  The lake was just recently restocked with channel catfish.

Zebra Mussels have recently been found in Hillsdale Lake, and Linn Valley, Linn County, (Private Lake Development), we'd like to remind you to stay aware and take all precautions necessary to prevent the spread into uncontaminated waters! This includes cleaning and rinsing your boat and motor, trailer, and equipment, draining any excess water from previous outings, and allowing your boat to dry before using it in a different body of water. 

Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment. Don't move water.

For tips on spring bass fishing check out the KDWPT video at the following link! 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

 This lake has a high density of channel catfish that increases angling opportunity. Remember- Wear a Lifejacket and Reach - Throw - Don t Go. This is a Community Fisheries Assistance Program Lake, no fishing permits required.

POMONA RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 10/25/2024

 Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Channel, Blue, Flathead Catfish Excellent all sizes Good baits are worms or dip baits and cut sunfish or cutshad.  The State Park and the Coe of Engineers provide many great shorelines for family from the bank fishing. The Rock Quarry is a good place for shore fishing. The outlet can be very good when releasing larger amounts of water.  There is the occasional harvest of a blue catfish.  Channel catfish are in great shape, many in the 2 to 4 pound range.  Lots of catfish caught in the spillway on worms or cut bait.
Walleye/saugeye Fair varies Try crank baits or jigs tipped with night crawlers along the dam or rocky areas
White bass/Wipers Good varies There are good white bass up to 2 pounds and good wipers up to the 5-7 pound pounds.  Good baits are minnows/live baits, cut bait, sometimes for wipers use liver and shad imitation lures.   Look for where shad are schooled up.   
Crappie Slow varies but range 8 -12 inches Very good crappie are still being caught.  Sampling shows alot of good crappie over 10 inches here.   Shallow windy shorelines and points are good places for crappie feeding on gizzard shad. Best baits are dark jigs and/or minnows.   When releasing high volume of water the outlet/spillway is fantastic. 
Largemouth Bass Poor Most are 10 to 15 inches Pomona has a limited black bass fishery with some smallmouth bass being caught. Catches are more common in the Marina area and in the coves on a variety of baits to include crankbaits and soft baits
General Information

Water levels are good. The weather is great for fishing.  Pomona has produced many good crappie in the 10 to 14 inch range and excellent white bass.    Also remember this lake has a good wiper and an improving walleye, saugeye population.  These are often caught at the drop offs along creek channels, and around concentrations of gizzard shad.

The reservoir also supports some larger walleye and blue catfish, though in low numbers.  These numbers will be improved by future stockings. 

 Zebra mussels now inhabit this lake. This means take EXTRA PRECAUTION to help prevent the spread into uncontaminated impoundments.

"Clean, Drain and Dry" before and after using any equipment on this lake.

 For additional information, water temperature, release rates, please check: 

Have FUN, Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment. The State and COE Parks are ready for family fishing.

Sign up for the Mound City Fishing District Newsletter today!

Check out this video on fish management provided by KDWP 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter 

WILSON STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 9/16/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location  
Channel Catfish Good 16-24" Catfishing remains good.  Look for fish to move into the shallows to feed during the evening and night.   Shad sides and chicken liver has been working best.  
Largemouth and Spotted Bass Good 10-22" Largemouth bass fishing has improved. Fish have started to move back into the shallows on cool mornings.  Look for them just outside of the weedline as water temps cool down.  Swim baits have been producing fish.   
Crappie Fair 8-12" Crappie fishing has remained steady.  Look for fish near deeper brush piles and steep drop offs. Minnows and jigs have been working best.  
Bluegill and Redear Good 6-8" Bluegills and redear fishing remains good.  Look for fish just outside the weedline and on deeper brush. Jigs tipped with a worm are working best.  
General Comments
Both maintained boat ramps are currently usable.

A bathymetric map is available for Wilson State Fishing Lake at the link above.

District Newsletter

We have created a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that subscribe to it. This newsletter is for fishing information for the Independence District (Chautauqua, Labette, Montgomery, and Wilson counties) only.

WOODSON STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Rating Size Bait, Method, Location
Largemouth Bass Fair-Good 6-18"  Texas-rigged plastics, football jigs, spinnerbaits, swimbaits, or squarebill crankbaits fished around brush piles, rocky banks, or vegetation should produce.  
Channel Catfish Good 12-26" Livers, shad sides, stink bait fished on wind blown banks.  Lots of fish in the 1-4 lb. range. Don't be afraid to fish shallower habitat
Walleye Slow-Fair 8-20" Jig and plastic along rocky banks or the dam. Some harvestable fish are available.
Bluegill Fair 4-7" mealworms, nightcrawlers, or small jigs fished near shore and around vegetation or brush.
Crappie Fair-Good  6-12" Look for crappie in deeper water near brush or cube piles. Jigs and minnows fished vertically over these habitats.
We added 120 brush piles and 220 Georgia Cubes to the lake for fish habitat. For a map of these habitat locations and a bathymetric map of Woodson State Fishing Lake CLICK HERE

YATES CENTER - SOUTH OWL - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Largemouth bass SLOW 1-5 lbs. Football jigs, vibrating jigs, Texas-rigged plastics or squarebill crankbaits worked near rocky banks or water willow. Nice sized bass are available but fishing conditions are tough with the turbid water conditions.
channel catfish Fair-Good 1/2-15 lbs Using shad sides livers or other prepared baits on wind blown banks should get a few bites. 
Walleye No reports 10-24"  
crappie Fair up to 14"  Look for crappie near structure in deeper water using live bait and jigs with various plastics.
General Comments

STOP AQUATIC HITCHHIKERS! CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY your boat and livewell before leaving an area. DO NOT MOVE FISH OR BAIT between waters.


YATES CENTER CITY LAKE - Last Updated: 11/18/2024

Species Size Rating Baits, Methods, Locations
Redear and Bluegill up to 10" Fair Small jigs or worms fished around deeper brush
Largemouth Bass 8-20" Fair-Good Football jigs, Texas-rigged plastics, shaky head with big worm, or slow rolling big spinnerbaits around various structural elements. Utilizing live sonar and a jighead with fluke style bait in open water or around the deep timber can be productive. The slot limit was changed to a 15-21" protected slot, meaning you need to release any bass in the 15"-21" range, but you are encouraged to harvest all bass under 15" to help improve the population. Recent sampling has shown a decrease in abundance but an increase in the size structure of the population.
Catfish up to 10lbs. Good Shad sides, worms, or other prepared baits fished on windy flats or upper end of lake when water is coming in.
Wipers/White Bass 8-18" Fair-Good  Vertical jigging slab spoons or shad imitation jigs around the creek channel and deeper water or fish may be caught along the rocky shorelines or windy points using small spinners, crankbaits, or hair jigs.
Crappie up to 12" Good  The creel limit is 20 fish/day you are encouraged to harvest the abundant 8-9" fish to help improve the population. Fish are schooled up offshore around standing timber and the creek channel. 
Walleye 15-24" slow No reports
This lake contains Eurasian Watermilfoil. Please remember to help stop the spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species Clean, Drain, and Dry your boat and equipment when leaving water bodies.